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South Carolina

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Community Development Programs
Empowerment Initiative

Rural Development's Community Development Programs are a major part of the Rural Development mission. This Presidential initiative was designed in 1993 to empower people and communities all across the Nation by inspiring Americans to work together to create jobs and opportunities through Empowerment Zones/Enterprise Communities (EZ/EC). The key principles of the EZ/EC program are Economic Opportunity, Sustainable Community Development, Community-Based Partnerships, and a Strategic Vision for Change.

The guiding principle of the Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities (EZ/EC) initiative is to create sustainable communities, capable of carrying out viable programs of economic development. Efforts such as the EZ/EC initiative will be critical to emerging changes in the delivery of Federal assistance. While similar to to the Rural Development programs that seek to improve the rural economy, the EZ/EC program is the first of its kind to promote comprehensive economic development in both designated and non-designated sectors, and partner with all segments of the community. The Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act formulates a means of further increasing opportunity in the EZ/ECs.

During early 1995, following the designation of 33 rural communities, Rural Development provided on-going assistance to EZs, ECs and Champion Communities (CC) to help these areas implement strategic plans, increase leadership capacity, and develop appropriate measures by which to gauge their progress. As a result of the second round of competition, an additional 25 communities (5 EZs and 20 ECs) have been designated.

South Carolina has two Enterprise Communities (EC) and three Champion Communities (CC):

Our mission is to encourage community development in rural South Carolina by creating innovative partnerships through the wise use of resources. Outreach and partnership development help achieve sustainable communities, thereby, enriching the lives of all citizens.

For more information about Community Development contact:
(Vacant), Rural Development Coordinator
Strom Thurmond Building
1835 Assembly Street Room 1007
Columbia, SC 29201
(803) 253-3417
FAX: (803) 253-3180

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Revised on: August 3, 2005