U.S. Fish and Wildlife

Metadata Support

In April 2004, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was established between the U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) Program and the FWS Division of Information Resources and Technology Management (IRTM) to create and publish metadata on FWS spatial data sets using the FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM), the Biological Data Profile of the CSDGM, and International metadata standards endorsed by the FGDC. 

The MOU between the FWS Division of IRTM and the USGS NBII Program for metadata creation and publication on the NSDI Clearinghouse is effective through April 7, 2008, unless both parties choose to revise and extend the MOU before the expiration date.

FWS Metadata Support Services

The Division of IRTM will assist FWS staff in updating and publishing metadata files that are fully compliant with the FGDC metadata standards. Contingent upon funding and the availability of staff, the following support services are provided at no cost to FWS offices:

USGS NBII Program Support

The USGS NBII Program provides funding and in-house support for the sole purpose of reviewing all metadata submitted by USGS organizations and NBII cooperators for publication on the NBII Metadata Clearinghouse and the FGDC National Geospatial Data Clearinghouse. As a cooperator under the existing MOU, the FWS submits all metadata records to the USGS for final review and approval prior to publication on the Clearinghouse Nodes. Final review and quality control procedures are performed by USGS contractor support staff at no cost to NBII cooperators, including the FWS.

FWS Contact

Requests for information and assistance on metadata creation, processing, and publication should be directed to Barb White, Leader, Data and Applications Support Team, Branch of Data and Systems Services, Division of IRTM, 303-275-2310.

For additional information regarding this Web page, contact Barb White, Division of Information Resources and Technology Management

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Keywords= biological, metadata, guidance, FGDC, NBII, elements, data, standards, templates, tools