U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Department of the Interior High Priority Digital Base Data Funding Initiative (Originally A-16)

The A-16 process was created to provide direction to the USGS in it's efforts to automate baseline map data for which it is responsible. Geographic areas of the country or specifics types of data that were important to a number of Interior bureaus would be given priority in the automation process. Agencies could also cost-share to get "their" data done faster. The program has been in place since 1994; the name has changed to the Interior High Priority Digital Base Data Program, and the types of supported data have evolved with technology. 

Each region within the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is responsible for identifying data that they need and submitting that information to the USGS as well as the National Data Administration office. The Data Administration Office will assist regions in finding partners that also need the same data they are requesting as will the USGS State Liasons. The goal in the Data Administration office is to increase the effectiveness of the Service in requesting data through this process. Deb Southworth Green  coordinats the submissions for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, working with the Regional GIS Coordinators and GIS Steering Committee Members.

Deb is also the Service's representative on the Base Mapping Working Group, a subcommittee of the Interior Geographic Data Committee.  It is this group that sets the priorities each year and allocates the available funds.

Informational packages are usually in the mail in October with responses due back in late January. Contact your Regional GIS Steering Committee member for more information on how to participate in your region.

For additional information regarding this Web page, contact Deb Southworth Green, in the Division of Information Resources and Technology Management, at Deb_Green@fws.gov

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Keywords=GIS, data, A-16
Last Modified January 02, 2001 11:50 AM