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متاحة باللغة الإنجليزية فقط

Lt. Gen. Lovelace discusses USARCENT

New U.S. Army Central Commander Lt. Gen. Jim Lovelace discusses mission and future of USARCENT.


متاحة باللغة الإنجليزية فقط

15 Feb 08 CENTCOM Insider

A doctor is detained on suspicion of supplying terrorists with mentally handicapped patients. SSG Felicia Young is named Soldier of the Year for Central Command. An Al Qaeda diary is found detail the decline in members due in part to Iraq's citizens.


متاحة باللغة الإنجليزية فقط

8 Feb 08 CENTCOM Insider

Captured Al Qiada recruiting video shows children training to kidnap and capture civilians. Iraqi National Government aims at meeting the needs of the growing Iraqi police force. New Zealand's Senior Enlisted Leader talks about his countries role in the War on Terror.


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Iraqi troops rescue child

Iraqi commandos rescue an 11-year-old Iraqi boy Jan. 29 near Baghdad. Three days earlier, the youth had been taken for ransom by al-Qaeda agents. The kidnappers had demanded $100,000, then $80,000, from the boy's parents to secure his release. The kidnappers had threatened to behead the youth if they weren't paid. The boy's father, a mechanic, couldn't afford to pay the kidnappers. The al-Qaeda kidnapping cell is linked to 26 previous abductions.


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al-Qaeda trains children

Al-Qaeda is recruiting and training boys, some younger than 11, to kidnap and kill. "Al-Qaeda in Iraq wants to poison the next generation of Iraqis and hopes to continue the cycle of violence they have brought upon Iraq," Multi-National Force - Iraq spokesman Navy Rear Adm. Gregory J. Smith said.


متاحة باللغة الإنجليزية فقط

1 Feb 08 CENTCOM Insider

DoD Press Secretary highlights the state of the union address affecting service members. Coalition Forces kill four terrorist and detain many others during operations in Iraq over a three day period. Coalition Forces push Al Qaeda out with the help of local Iraqi citizens.

Meeting the President

متاحة باللغة الإنجليزية فقط

Meeting the President

Uzbekistan President Islam Karimov receives Adm. William Fallon Jan. 24. Uzbekistan President Islam Karimov receives Adm. William Fallon, commander, U.S. Central Command, Jan. 24 in Tashkent. During his visit, the admiral met with senior Uzbek and U.S. embassy officials. His discussions addressed a broad range of issues, including regional security, democratic reforms, human rights, and reconstruction in Afghanistan. This was Admiral Fallon’s first trip to Uzbekistan as CENTCOM commander.

Commander Visits Uzbekistan

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Commander Visits Uzbekistan

Adm. William Fallon speaks with Rustam Niyasov, Deputy Minister of Defense. Adm. William Fallon, commander, U.S. Central Command, discusses his arrival with with Rustam Niyazov (second from left), Uzbekistan's Deputy Minister of Defense, at Tashkent's airport Jan. 24.

Mrs. Fallon in Uzbekistan

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Mrs. Fallon in Uzbekistan

Mary Fallon spends time with young people at Tashkent's Youth Power Center. Mary Fallon (center), wife of Adm. William Fallon, commander, U.S. Central Command, spends time with young people at Tashkent's Youth Power Center during the admiral's first visit to Uzbekistan Jan. 24. (U.S. Embassy photo)

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