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Specialized PTSD Treatment Programs in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

Each medical center in the Department of Veterans Affairs provides some form of specialized expertise for veterans with PTSD. Below we describe the main types of VA programs offered for PTSD treatment:

Overall the VA provides a network of more than 200 specialized treatment programs and trauma centers. Different VA’s offer different programs. Many VA’s are now offering walk-in clinics to help provide immediate care. By walking into the primary care clinic, a veteran facing problems can be seen that day by a mental health practitioner. In addition to VA Medical Centers across the country, offsite VA treatment locations include:

  • Outpatient clinics, CBOCs (Community Based Outpatient Clinics)
  • Vet Centers operated by VA's Readjustment Counseling Service. Call toll free during normal business hours: (Eastern) 1-800-905-4675, OR (Pacific) 1-866-496-8838.
    • Located outside medical facilities
    • Many workers are returning veterans
    • Provide a mix of counseling and help accessing other programs

Who is covered for VA care?

VA services are provided to all veterans based solely on active military service in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, or Coast Guard (or Merchant Marines during WW II), and discharged under other than dishonorable conditions. This includes National Guard members and Reservists who have completed a federal deployment to a combat zone. At times, the VA has special agreements to provide care to active duty service members, and family members as well.

Who provides the care?

Each specialized PTSD program offers education, evaluation, and treatment conducted by mental-health professionals such as psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, counselors, and nurses.

A variety of services are available including:

  • Individual assessment and Psychological Testing
  • Medicines (Pharmacotherapy)
  • Individual psychotherapy and Family therapy
  • Group therapy: A variety of support and therapy groups covering a range of topics such as: anger and stress, combat support, partners, caregivers, groups for particular conflicts, and more.

Main PTSD Specialized Programs offered at VA

Outpatient PTSD Programs (SOPPs)

Outpatient PTSD Programs (SOPPs) include three basic types of clinics in which veterans meet with a PTSD specialist for regularly scheduled appointments.

  • PTSD Clinical Teams (PCTs): Provide group and one-to-one evaluation, education, counseling, and psychotherapy.
  • Substance Use PTSD Teams( SUPTs): Offer outpatient education, evaluation, and counseling for the combined problems of PTSD and substance abuse.
  • Women's Stress Disorder Treatment Teams ( WSDTTs): Provide women veterans one-to-one and group evaluation, counseling, and psychotherapy.

Intensive PTSD Programs (SIPPs)

Intensive PTSD Programs (SIPPs) provide a "therapeutic community" and specialized PTSD treatment services to veterans with PTSD and include social, recreational, and vocational activities as well as counseling.

  1. Evaluation and Brief Treatment of PTSD Units ( EBTPUs) provide PTSD evaluation, education, and psychotherapy for a briefer period ranging from 14 to 28 days.
  2. PTSD Residential Rehabilitation Programs (PRRPs) provide PTSD evaluation, education, counseling, and case management that focuses on helping the survivor resume a productive involvement in community life. PRRP admissions tend to be 28 to 90 days.
  3. PTSD Day Hospitals (DH) are outpatient and provide individual treatment planning and counseling in a less restrictive environment than in the VA Inpatient Units. Patient comes in daily or several times a week for 4-8 hours each visit.
  4. PTSD Domiciliary Units (PTSD Dom) provide time-limited residential treatment focusing on rehabilitation. This program replaced the PSU (PTSD Substance Use Units). Their mission is to facilitate transition to outpatient mental health care.
  5. Specialized Inpatient PTSD Units ( SIPUs) provide trauma-focused evaluation, education, and psychotherapy for a period of 28 to 90 days of hospital admission.
  6. Women’s Trauma Recovery Program (WTRP) was opened by the Palo Alto, CA VA in 1992 as part of the National Center for PTSD. It is an intensive 60-day residential program with and emphasis on interpersonal skills and a focus on war-zone related stress as well as MST (Military Sexual Trauma).

Special Local PTSD Programs

VA medical centers often also include some of their own local specialized PTSD programs. For example, The National Center for PTSD in collaboration with the White River Junction, VT VA Medical Center is sponsoring the OIF/OEF Intensive PTSD Program:

  • Target Population: OEF/OIF veterans diagnosed with PTSD who are interested in a month long psychosocial treatment program.
  • Program Description: Patient will be evaluated by a multidisciplinary Treatment team that includes psychologist, nurses, social workers, Psychiatrist, and employment specialist. Patient will stay two weeks on the inpatient psychiatry unit at the WRJ VA. They will then transition to the lodge at WRJ for the second two weeks of the program. Treatment is based on the multidisciplinary evaluation. Treatments are based on Cognitive Processing Therapy for PTSD and will be provided in Individual therapy. Adjunctive group treatment will also be provided. A second focus is on physical fitness and overall wellness. Patients will work with staff including employment specialist to aid with their re-integration in the community.

In Summary

The goal of the VA is to provide the best care for our veterans. Contact your local VA for information on VA PTSD treatment programs in your area.

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