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Hydrometeorological Prediction Center
Camp Springs, MD

2001 Tropical Systems

Previous tropical seasons:      1997      1998      1999      2000

Tropical Cyclone Rainfall Data

Hydrometeorological Prediction Center begins tracking and issuing storm summaries for tropical systems when they make landfall and the National Hurricane Center (NHC) relinquishes control. This page gives HPC positions and storm summaries for the systems that the HPC has taken responsibility during tropical season. The storms will be referred to by the intensity they had when the HPC took responsibility. The HPC also serves as the back-up for the NHC.

NOTE: While a system's track image may include positions observed prior to HPC responsibility, exact track coordinates are based only on the positions given in the HPC storm summaries. For exact positions of a system while it is being covered by the National Hurricane Center, please visit the NHC Homepage.

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Last Modified August 8, 2001