You have reached the Federal Government's information warehouse for Demonstration Projects (demos). We specialize in human resources demonstration projects and other alternative personnel systems innovations, including performance-based pay.OPM supports organizations wanting to test new human resources innovations or apply existing innovations in new surroundings.
The Fact Sheets provide quick useful information concerning active, permanent and completed Demonstration Projects, including the DoD S&T Labs Demonstration Program. Here you will find basic information that includes the number of participants, interventions, objectives, milestones, locations and general status of the projects, along with some useful links.
This section includes information about interventions, sometimes called features, used in the individual Demonstration Projects. The interventions used help to determine each project's success and are innovative ways OPM is attracting an retaining new, quality talent to the Federal Government.
Please contact us by any of the methods below if you have questions about demos or need assistance determining whether a demo is right for your agency. You may also refer to our Resource Guides for more information.
Mailing address:
U.S. Office of Personnel Management
Demonstration Projects
1900 E Street, NW.
Room 7677
Washington, DC 20415-6000