I m p o r t   A d m i n i s t r a t i o n
Safeguarding American Industries and Jobs against Unfair Trade

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go back one page   updated: September 15, 2003
Softwood Lumber from Canada, Comments on Proposed Policy Bulletin
Policy Bulletin and Request for Comments (68 FR 37456, June 24, 2003)
Announcement of Extension of Comment Period

Comments added September 15, 2003
Quebec Forest Industry Council   (timely filed on August 22, 2003)

Comments added August 27, 2003
Gitanyow Nation
United States Senate Committee On Finance, Senator Max Baucus

Rebuttal Comments added August 25, 2003
Beaudoin Gauthier Inc
Grand Council Treaty #3
Jan Christiansen
Coalition for Fair Lumber Imports
Government of British Columbia
Government of Canada
Government of Ontario
Government of Quebec
Northwest Tribal Treaty Nations
Ontario Forest Industries Association - Ontario Lumber Manufacturers Association - Free Trade Lumber Council

Comments added August 13, 2003
International Mass Retail Association
National Association of Home Builders
Ontario Lumber Manufacturers Association - Ontario Forest Industries Association
Robert E. Vance

Comments added August 12, 2003
American Consumers for Affordable Homes
BC Coalition for Sustainable Forest Solutions
Coalition for Fair Lumber Imports
Canadian Lumber Remanufacturers Alliance
Consumers for World Trade
Fremont Forest Group Corporation - Marubeni
Government of Canada
Government of Quebec
Indigenous Network on Economies and Trade
International Sleep Products Association
Jan Christiansen
National Lumber & Building Material Dealers Association
Natural Resources Defense Council
Ontario Forest Industries Association - Ontario Lumber Manufacturers Association - Free Trade Lumber Council
US and Canadian Labor Unions and Labor Federations

Comments are PDF Documents.
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United States Department of Commerce . International Trade Administration . Import Administration . 1401 Constitution Ave NW Washington DC 20230