FOR RELEASE: July 22, 1994 CONTACT: John Barclay (202) 208-5890 or Robin Cacy (907)271-6010 ALASKA UNIVERSITY AWARDED $159,213 TO STUDY OCEAN CIRCULATION (#40055) The Interior Department's Minerals Management Service (MMS) today announced that it has awarded $159,213 to the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, bringing total MMS 1994 funding of the University's Coastal Marine Institute (CMI), in the School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, to $1 million. The school has matched the amount, for total CMI funding of $2 million. MMS Director Tom Fry said the money will be used to conduct research on winter circulation processes in the northeast Chukchi Sea. The Chukchi Sea is located off the northwest coast of Alaska and north of the Bering Strait. "This award will help MMS gather the data we need to assure full protection of the marine environment and will bolster the research capabilities of the University. It's a wise use of taxpayer dollars, and reflects this administration's strong commitment to sound science as the basis for all our resource decisions." MMS is the Interior Department agency which manages and regulates the nation's natural gas, oil and other mineral resources on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), and which collects and disburses revenues from OCS leases and from onshore leases on Federal and Indian lands. -MMS- Subject: PR-07/22/94 Alaska Univ. CMI/Alaska University Awarded $159,213 to Study Ocean Circulation (#40055)