FOR RELEASE: March 22, 1994 CONTACT: John Barclay (202) 208-3983 MMS SEEKS PUBLIC COMMENT IN REVIEW OF REGULATIONS Agency Wants to Eliminate Unnecessary or Costly Rules (#40021) The Interior Department's Minerals Management Service (MMS) wants its customers--American taxpayers, the environmental community and the energy industry--to tell it how it can improve the services the agency provides, according to a notice in the March 1 edition of the Federal Register. The effort is part of a government-wide program mandated by President Clinton. Objectives of the effort, MMS officials said, are to ensure that all significant regulations: --are efficient and effective, --impose the least possible burden upon the public, and --are tailored no broader than necessary to meet the objectives of the program being implemented. All comments on MMS regulations should be sent by May 2 to: Bill Vincent, Deputy Director Office of Regulatory Affairs U.S. Department of the Interior Mail Stop 6214 MIB 1849 C. St., NW Washington, DC 20240 MMS Director Tom Fry said the agency would review all comments received by the close of the comment period on May 2. The results of that review will be made public, and further comments will be sought by MMS at a later time. "We're trying to make sure that our regulations impose the least possible burden on the public," Fry said, "while still accomplishing the job the laws require us to do. It's important that we get the public's help to identify regulations which might be overbroad, too complex or too burdensome. "We're trying to encourage maximum participation by the public, the energy industry, the environmental community and everyone else who is interested in, or affected by our regulations," Fry said. "We're truly committed to being responsive to the public's concerns and interests. We're looking for help in operating our programs as efficiently as possible, in an environmentally sound manner, without unnecessary interference in peoples lives or livelihoods." -MMS- Subject: PR-03/23/94 Regulations/MMS Seeks Comment in Review of Regulations (#40021)