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NEXRAD Product Improvement

SETI engineers played an key role in the development of the Open Radar Product Generator (ORPG) which is currently running at NWS forecast offices across the country and selected DOD sites around the world. Now they are actively engaged in a project that will bring dual-polarization technology to the network beginning in 2009.


NWS Dual-Polarization Upgrade

PROBLEM: Updating National Weather Service radars with dual-polarization capability will require new algorithms.

SOLUTION: SETI engineers have been developing and testing new hydrometeor classification and rainfall estimation algorithms to support the transfer of dual polarization technology to the NWS.

Sample Hydrometeor Classification DisplaySample 1 Hr Accumulated Precipitation Display

(left) Sample Hydrometeor Classification Display (Larger image);
(right) Sample 1 Hr Accumulated Precipitation Display (Larger image)

PROBLEM: Forecasters could issue more precise warnings if they could view highly detailed information.

SOLUTION: New high-resolution radial products (super-res) in development will better support severe weather detection.

Sample reflectivity display using current NEXRAD resolution Sample recombined high res reflectivity display using Blackman-Hanning filter to mimic current WSR-88D resolution Sample high resolution reflectivity display using Blackman-Hanning filter

(left) Sample reflectivity display using current NEXRAD resolution (Larger image);
(middle) Sample recombined high-res reflectivity display using Blackman-Hanning filter to mimic current WSR-88D resolution (Larger image);
(right) Sample high-resolution reflectivity display using Blackman-Hanning filter (Larger image)

Dual-Polarization Research Tools

PROBLEM: Dual-polarization capability will require a new format for Level 2 data.

SOLUTION: A new archive level 2 format will support moment fields introduced by the addition of dual-polarization capability and super resolution (1/2 degree azimuthal spacing) data.

New enhanced level 2 format

New enhanced level 2 format (Larger image)

PROBLEM: In some situations, detecting a tornado and determining its exact location is difficult.

SOLUTION: SETI engineers have developed a software tool to improve identification of meteorological and non-meteorological targets in time series radar data. This software tool, the Research Radar Analysis Tool (RRAT), links time series and moment data together by presenting traditional PPI views and displaying spectral graphs of time series data at selected gates. Forecasters may eventually use a tool similar to this to better detect and identify the location of a tornado. 2004 IIPS Conference abstract

Sample RRAT Display of Moment and Time Series Data

Sample RRAT Display of Moment and Time Series Data (Larger image)