Office of Science


Publication Details

Characterization Challenges for Nanomaterials.


Baer DR, JE Amonette, MH Engelhard, DJ Gaspar, AS Karakoti, SVNT Kuchibhatla, P Nachimuthu, J Nurmi, Y Qiang, V Sarathy, S Seal, A Sharma, PG Tratnyek, and CM Wang.2008."Characterization Challenges for Nanomaterials."Surface and Interface Analysis 40(3-4):529-537. doi:10.1002/sia.2726


Nanostructured materials are increasingly subject to nearly every type of chemical and physical analysis possible. Because of their small feature size there is a significant focus on tools with high spatial resolution. Because of their high surface area, it is also natural to characterize nanomaterials using tools designed to analyze surfaces. Regardless of the approach, nanostructured materials present a variety of obstacles to adequate, useful and needed analysis. This paper provides short overviews to some of the issues and complications including: particle stability, environmental effects, specimen handling, surface coating, contamination and time. Some specific examples are provided from a our work focused on ceria nanoparticles and iron metal-core/oxide-shell nanoparticles in which we use a combination of tools for routine analysis including XPS, TEM, and XRD and apply other methods as needed to obtain essential information.