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Diabetes Nurse Educator  Hoopa Clinic - Health Clinic Show Hoopa Clinic Map Show Hoopa Clinic Driving Directions
Hoopa Health Association - California Area
Airport Road, 2 Blocks From Airport: PO Box 1288
Hoopa, CA 95546

Vacancy Number: 01-01-07
Open Dates: January 1, 2008 - Open Until Filled
Grades:  Salary
Series: 9996
Salary Range(s): Contact Rosanna Jackson for details.
Positions: 1
Contact: Rosanna Jackson
Phone: 530-625-4261 EXT 226
Fax: 530-625-4047
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Position Description: Diabetes Educator/Case Manager
CGP DP/HH Demonstration Project

FTE: 1.0
Supervisory: Recruitment/Case Management Coordinator

The Diabetes Educator/Case Manager will serve as the lead educator/case manager for the K’ima:w Medical Center (KMC) SDPI Competitive Grants Program Diabetes Prevention Demonstration Project (DPP) and Healthy Heart (HH) Project, including developing, implementing, and evaluating a diabetes prevention lifestyle curriculum, participating in the development and implementation of related classes, demonstrations, and community and family-based activities. In addition this position will provide outpatient education and case management to persons with diabetes who receive their care at KMC, and ensure that all programmatic activities are carried out in accordance with grant guidelines, project protocols, standards of care, and policies and procedures of KMC.

In collaboration with the Project Coordinator and the local diabetes project team, as well as with the CGP Coordinating Center, IHS, other grantees, other health professionals, and community partner, the Diabetes Educator/Case Manager will:

• Clinically assess, identify, coordinate, educate, and case manage diabetes patients while working cooperatively with Diabetes Team, medical and nursing staff, and other members of the healthcare environment
• Provide diabetes training and education to individual participants, family members, community groups, and other project staff on all aspects of diabetes care as needed or required by the project protocols.
• Conduct CVD risk assessments and provides appropriate case management and referral to all persons with diabetes. The focus will be on reduction of cardiovascular disease risk factors including obesity, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, etc.
• Collaborates with the diabetes team to develop and implement a patient care plan that meets the IHS Diabetes Standards of Care. Evaluates clinical and educational outcomes and makes appropriate referrals
• Make periodic home visits to provide general assessment, education, and case management for patients with diabetes/pre-diabetes
• Oversee case management of “Active” Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes Register patients to include periodic medical record review, and use of Resource Patient Management System (RPMS), Diabetes Management System (DMS)
• Assist with maintaining Diabetes Registries
• Assist with planning and coordinating monthly Diabetes Clinic
• Assist Coordinator in conducting annual Diabetes Audit as well as quarterly Audit reviews
• Assist with developing weekly health articles to the local newspaper
• Assist with collecting and analyzing data and information for program planning and reporting
• Assist Coordinator in planning and implementing SDPI grant goals, objectives and activities, as well as grant reporting.
• Plan, implement, and maintain IHS Integrated Diabetes Education and Clinical Standards Recognition Program
• Participates in developing and implementing collaborative health plans, activities, and events with Tribal and other community organizations
• Provide monthly reports of activity per duties and position functions
• Participate in the modification and development of the lifestyle curriculum and educational materials with other grantees, local project team members, and appropriate local community members to incorporate collaborative decisions on curriculum, eligibility criteria, evaluation measures, and local cultural values.
• Develop full understanding and skill in use of all protocols, procedures, eligibility criteria, and study measures related to the curriculum of both the intensive and less intensive interventions.
• Implement the curriculum, conducting sessions or coordinating and monitoring other staff in conducting sessions according to the agreed upon curriculum, project protocols, and local cultural values.
• Use a variety of teaching strategies, approaches, and methods that incorporate theories and concepts of adult learning, readiness for change, empowerment and motivational interviewing, and local cultural values.
• Administer class evaluations, monitor data for areas needing improvement, and implement performance improvement activities.
• Procure, organize, evaluate, update, and develop patient education materials for use by health care professionals, patients and family members, and community-based groups.
• Assist the Project Coordinator in the development of a realistic, measurable work plan of intervention project activities.
• Assist in preparing progress and data reports; assist in ensuring their accuracy and timeliness in submission to tribal review, IHS, and the Coordinating Center.
• Support and participate in the conceptualization, design, and development of all project protocols, procedures, educational and data collection activities, and infrastructure systems for successful implementation and evaluation of the project according to grant guidelines, tribal requirements, and local cultural values.
• Maintain professional certification and/or licensure from a nationally recognized credentialing body.
• Maintain a minimum of 6 professional continuing education credits annually on topics related to diabetes management, CVD risk reduction, behavioral interventions, teaching and
learning or counseling skills workshops, and in-service programs relevant to diabetes in AI/AN communities.
• Ensure that all program activities are performed with the utmost attention to patient confidentiality and HIPAA and IRB requirements.
• Participate actively in all national, regional, and local Grantee project development and training meetings.
• Maintain collaborative relationships with grantee team members, Coordinating Center Data Core staff, Technical Assistance Expert Consultants, tribal and community partners, and other project stakeholders to foster successful project development and implementation.
• Supervise daily activities of Recruitment/Case Management Coordinator
• Duties and responsibilities will include other activities and areas as needed to carry out the position functions

Below you may obtain the following forms: OF-612: Optional Application for Federal Employment; the OF-306: Declaration for Federal Employment and the Application Questionnaire for Child Care Positions Form.

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1202 Active Jobs : Last updated on Monday, September 22, 2008

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