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Albuquerque - Official City Website

Volunteer Opportunities

Tree Planting


You can become one of the many dedicated volunteers who give their time to maintain and beautify the park system. Whether you can volunteer for a few hours, a day, or several times a week, Park Management welcomes your time and talents.


Park Management volunteers help clean our parks, plant trees and flowers, maintain our bike trails, and help keep our playgrounds clean and safe for all to enjoy.

For more information on how you can become a Park Management Park Volunteer, contact Michelle Herrera (505) 857-8657 or

Adopt a Park-Streetscape

Become a partner in the upkeep of the City of Albuquerque parks and streetscapes, by adopting an area in our city. Community organizations, businesses, and private citizens may adopt a park, streetscape, and or trail. Adoption requires maintenance and beautification work such as picking up litter, weeding, or special projects as agreed upon by Park Management Division and you. The program is flexible enough to allow organizations, business or individuals to choose a comfortable level of volunteer support.

Park Management recognizes each adoption by placing a sign on the site indicating the name of the volunteer partner. Park Management asks that you adopt the area for at least two years, so that the commitment and recognition will be meaningful.

We offer plenty of rewarding volunteer opportunities for individuals, small groups, and large groups. We have all the tools; we just need your time and energy. Contact us so we can match you up with a project you will enjoy.

This program provides volunteers with excellent opportunities to gain valuable work experience, make a connection with the community, and meet new people. For more information about adopting, contact Michelle Herrera (505) 857-8657 or

Memorial Tree Program

The City of Albuquerque Park Management Division has a program for planting trees at various City park locations. Memorial trees are a moving and beneficial way to honor someone living or deceased. Park Management provides the trees at a cost of $200.00 each and will install, water, and maintain. Requestors may participate in the planting or have the tree planted by the Park Management Forestry staff. If you are interested in obtaining a memorial tree, contact the Park Management Division (505) 857-8650.

Why plant a memorial tree?

A memorial tree can be a living remembrance of a loved one or a celebration of a happy event. It provides a sense of belonging and community. Trees improve the quality of life for the community and the City of Albuquerque as a whole, providing a benefit and enjoyment to people who use our parks. In addition, trees are a growing and living symbol for the individuals they represent. A memorial tree is a wonderful honor for individuals or organizations to make in someone's name; it is a gift that keeps on growing.

Who does the planting?

The Park Management Division has a staff of Forestry employees who are responsible for all tree plantings for the City of Albuquerque. After planting, the City takes care of watering, pruning and other maintenance.

When are trees planted?

Trees can be planted during the planting season from September through May.

What do I get for $200.00?

A memorial tree will cost $200. The trees are typically 25-30 gallon, 6 to 8 feet tall and a 2.00-inch caliper. A representative from Park Management Division will help individuals select an appropriate species and an appropriate location for the tree at the city park of their choice. The species selected must be suitable for Albuquerque's climate and also follow the park ordinance requirements. Park Management will purchase, plant and maintain the trees. The purchaser receives a certificate of planting, with the name of the person the tree is planted for, the park name and date. Also included in the price is a memorial plaque that is installed at the base of the tree; up to 65 characters are allowed on the plaque.

What role can I play in the planting of the tree?

You are able to hold a celebration and/or a memorial to mark the planting of the tree for your loved one. Gatherings will be the responsibility of the requestor, and must notify Park Management in advance of the planting.

How do I get involved?

Anyone interested in purchasing a memorial tree should contact the Park Management Division (505) 857-8650.

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