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U.S. Office of Personnel Management - Ensuring the Federal Government has an effective civilian workforce

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Communication Critical Success Factor

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Definition: The agency has a process for sharing information and ideas about the organization with all employees. This vital process includes eliciting employee feedback and involvement so all employees play an appropriate role in planning and executing the mission.

When the key elements of the critical success factor Communication are effectively implemented, agencies will realize:

Select this link to view the key elements and suggested performance indicators for this critical success factor.PDF File [32 KB]

Effectiveness Results

  • The agency’s strategic plan has been shared with and/or is accessible to all agency employees. Employees are knowledgeable about the agency’s strategic plan and their role in supporting the agency’s mission.
  • Employees have a direct line of sight between performance expectations and recognition systems and the agency mission. These links have been communicated to and are understood by employees, enabling them to focus their work effort on those activities most important to mission accomplishment. All employees are held accountable for achieving results that support the agency’s strategic plan goals and objectives.

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