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U.S. Office of Personnel Management - Ensuring the Federal Government has an effective civilian workforce

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Awards Critical Success Factor

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Definition: The organization takes actions to recognize and reward individual or team achievement that contributes to meeting organizational goals or improving the efficiency, effectiveness, and economy of the Government. Such awards include, but are not limited to: employee incentives which are based on predetermined criteria, rating-based awards, or awards based on a special act or service.

When the key elements of the critical success factor Awards are effectively implemented, agencies will realize:

Select this link to view the key elements and suggested performance indicators for this critical success factor.PDF File [32 KB]

Effectiveness Results

  • Employees have a direct line of sight between performance expectations and award systems and the agency mission. These links have been communicated to and are understood by employees, enabling them to focus their work effort on those activities most important to mission accomplishment. All employees are held accountable for achieving results that support the agency’s strategic plan goals and objectives.
  • The agency has created a “reward environment,” beyond compensation and benefits, that contributes to attracting, retaining, and motivating employees.

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Compliance Result

The agency has developed one or more awards programs for its employees that obligates funds, and documents awards justifications in accordance with 5 CFR 451.

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