Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 7/7/99

Series: Organization

Part 110: Office of the Secretary

Chapter 5: Office of Communications

Originating Office: Office of Communications

110 DM 5

5.1 Office of Communications. The Office of Communications establishes the public information policies of the Department and exercises technical and general supervision over all information and public affairs activities and public affairs personnel of the Department. It is responsible to the Secretary for developing good working relations with the news media for the purpose of facilitating the flow of information from the Department to the general public, and for advising the Secretariat on matters affecting such areas. The Office is headed by a Director who reports to the Secretary.

5.2 Functions. The Office of Communications -

A. Supervises, manages, develops and implements media and public information projects for widespread public dissemination of policy and program information on behalf of the Secretary.

B. Prepares, edits, and issues news releases on Departmental policies and program issues; develops speech texts, reports, briefing materials, articles and similar materials for the Secretary; develops publications and audio and visual materials as it determines necessary in order for the Department to be responsive to a broad range of public inquiries.

C. Guides preparation of and reviews for quality, usability, newsworthiness and substantive accuracy news releases, articles, speeches, audio-visual materials, and publications produced by the various bureaus and offices of the Department; and is the central point for issuance of news releases relating to activities of each bureau or office.

D. Maintains a general supervisory role in relation to public information and media relations activities of the various bureaus and offices, with authority for prior review of personnel action requests affecting public information/affairs positions.

E. Plans and coordinates all press briefings and news conferences for the Secretary and the Secretariat; informs officials of fresh media activity on issues; and publishes special internal communications to supervisory and policy level officials.

F. The Office's externally oriented activities are principally assisting media by responding to their inquiries and providing other information they may require or find useful. The principal vehicles used for dissemination of news are telephone, press releases, and audio messages.

5.3 Organization. (See attached organization chart)

A. Director. The Director, Office of Communications is the principal spokesperson for the Department of the Interior and is responsible for the conduct, establishment and implementation of public information policies for the entire Department of the Interior. The Office of Communications is the source for the Department of the Interior, on the national level, for the dissemination of public information to all media, civic and other organizations and the general public.

B. Deputy Director. Under the general supervision of the Director of Communications, the Deputy Director has responsibility for carrying out policy determinations of the Director, represents the Director at major meetings, works closely with the White House on Administration initiatives, and special high priority projects, and assists the Director in coordinating the operations of the Office.

C. Press Secretary. Under the general supervision of the Director of Communications, the Press Secretary serves as the principal spokesperson for the Secretary and works closely with national media to promote the Department and Administration initiatives. The Press Secretary assures that press statements, news releases and other informational materials for public consumption emanating from the office adhere to Departmental policy; guides and assists bureaus and offices of the Department in their media operations and coordinates their activities.

7/7/99 #3269

Replaces 9/24/93 #2986

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