About Legislatures and Policy Issues

About State Legislatures Retrieve in-depth information about America’s legislative institutions, state elections and redistricting, and state legislative web sites.

Leaders' Center The NCSL Leaders' Center assists legislative leaders in meeting the challenges of institutional management and public policy leadership.

Policy Issues and Research We track the top issues facing America today. Read the latest research on any topic, using our A-Z Issue Areas listing.

State Documents and Legislation For our members, access our 50-state Bill Text and Status system and other searchable 50-state document collections, including audits, research reports and state constitutions.

Directories For our members and subscribers, get contact information for legislators and legislative staff.

State-Federal Relations and Representative Democracy

State-Federal Relations Through the state-federal relations program in the Washington, D.C. office, NCSL takes the interests of states to Capitol Hill. View our policy positions, research our Standing Committees or read Capitol to Capitol our newsletter for state lawmakers from the nation's capitol.

Civic Education Our Trust for Representative Democracy program brings representative democracy to life for students and all Americans.

The Center for Ethics in Government The Ethics Center is a leader in restoring confidence in representative government through its work with lawmakers and the public.

International Programs Our international programs promote democracy around the world. Learn more about our efforts to exchange information with international governments.

About NCSL and How to Get Involved

NCSL Overviews Quickly learn about our services, our governance, officers, and NCSL staff contact information -- and how you can be involved.

Standing Committees Our 11 Standing Committees address the most pressing issues before state legislatures today.

Legislative Staff Sections & Networks Communication among legislative staff is critical. Learn more about our national staff associations -- called staff sections and networks

NCSL’s Foundation for State Legislatures Our foundation raises funds to support special projects that promote state legislatures.

Women's Legislative Network The Women's Legislative Network promotes the participation, empowerment, and leadership of women legislators.

NCSL Publications, Meetings, Press Room and Online Services

Bookstore See the latest publications on the most important policy issues of the day, subscribe to State Legislatures magazine or other publications in our online catalog.

NCSL Meetings View our meetings calendar, register for meetings, learn about staff professional development seminars and make plans for our annual Legislative Summit and Exhibition and for the Fall and Spring Forums.

Press Room Get the latest news from America’s state legislatures and NCSL. You can also read today’s top news headlines.

Electronic News & Online Forums Sign up for news about legislative policy issues, NCSL events or, if you are a state legislator or staff, communicate with colleagues across the country in our online forums.

Help with NCSL Web Site & NCSL Contacts Have a question about our Web site, or need help finding what you want? You’ve come to the right place.

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