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Strategic Plan. Table of Contents


This plan is a collaborative effort that included input from many individuals and organizations –the Institute’s senior staff and National Advisory Dental and Craniofacial Research Council (NADCRC), NIDCR staff, researchers, academics, professional organizations, public health communities, patient groups, Federal committees and the public. We are grateful to all who contributed to the development of the plan, and to the many outside organizations and individuals who provided comments on the draft document. In addition to the public comments that were invited through the NIDCR website, we convened a meeting of outside constituents to receive their input. This stakeholders meeting included representatives of professional dental organizations, including research, education, organized dentistry, dental specialties, patient advocates and industry. A special session was also held during the May meeting of the NIDCR Patient Advocates Forum to invite their input and comments, and presentations were made to the Associate Deans for Research during the 2003 Annual Session of the American Association for Dental Research and to the US Public Health Service Oral Health Coordinating Committee.

Special thanks to Dr. Isabel Garcia who led this effort, to Dr. Frank Macrina, the National Advisory Council representative for the project and who chaired the stakeholders meeting, to the individuals who assisted during that meeting -- the breakout group facilitators Dr. Skip Collins, Dr. Rick Valachovic, and Mrs. Kathy Hammitt, and the recorders Dr. Rob Selwitz, Dr. Kevin Hardwick, Ms. Karina Boehm, Ms. Ellie Murcia, Drs. Kathy Hayes and Wande Morgan. Our thanks to Ms. Jody Dove, Ms. Susan Johnson, and Dr. Mike Barnett, for their helpful suggestions and editorial comments.

In 2001, the Institute established an internal study group with representatives from all of its Divisions to identify broad areas of importance to NIDCR’s long-range scientific agenda. This group identified three main areas of interest: genomics and proteomics; repair and regeneration of oral, dental and craniofacial tissues; and clinical research. Expert panels were then convened during the summer and fall of 2002 on each of these three topics to assist the Institute in identifying areas of scientific opportunity, and to catalogue, in general terms, the resources required to successfully address them. An additional expert panel on research training and career development was held to build upon the previous work carried out by the 1999 NIDCR Blue Ribbon Panel on Research Training and Career Development. The reports of these expert panels along with other resources were used to develop specific research objectives for the updated plan. The objectives and activities set within the plan go hand in hand with the overall Institute’s planning, budget, and evaluation activities and address research needs identified in Oral Health in America: A Report of the Surgeon General, the oral health objectives of Healthy People 2010, and the National Oral Health Call to Action.

  1. NIDCR and Public Health Service
    • National Advisory Dental and Craniofacial Research Council
    • NIDCR Board of Scientific Counselors
    • NIDCR Patient Advocates Forum
    • US Public Health Service Oral Health Coordinating Committee

  2. Outside Organizations Represented at Stakeholders Meeting
    • American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
    • American Academy of Periodontology
    • American Association for Dental Research
    • American Association of Endodontics
    • American Association of Public Health Dentistry
    • American College of Prosthodontics
    • American Dental Association
    • American Dental Education Association
    • American Dental Hygienists’ Association
    • American Dental Trade Association
    • Colgate Palmolive Company
    • Dental Manufacturers of America
    • Friends of the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research
    • Hispanic Dental Association
    • National Dental Association
    • National Foundation for Ectodermal Dysplasias
    • Oral Microbiology and Immunology
    • Sjögren’s Syndrome Foundation
    • The Paget Foundation
    • The Procter and Gamble Company

  3. Organizations Represented at NIDCR Patient Advocates Forum
    • About Face USA
    • Cleft Advocate, Inc
    • Cleft Palate Foundation
    • FACES: The National Craniofacial Association
    • Jaw Joints & Allied Musculo-Skeletal Disorders Foundation, Inc.
    • Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
    • National Foundation for Ectodermal Dysplasias
    • National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition
    • National Marfan Foundation
    • Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation
    • Scleroderma Foundation
    • Sjogren’s Syndrome Foundation
    • Special Olympics University
    • The Paget Foundation
    • The TMJ Association
    • Trigemial Neuralgia Association
    • Wide Smiles

NIDCR Strategic Plan Update Committee

  • Lawrence A. Tabak, D.D.S., Ph.D. (chair)
    Director NIDCR

  • A. Isabel Garcia, D.D.S., M.P.H. (co-chair)
    Special Assistant for Science Transfer
    Office of Communications and Health Education, NIDCR

  • Jody M. Dove, Information Specialist
    Office of Communications and Health Education, NIDCR

  • Sarah Glavin, Ph.D.
    Evaluation Officer
    Office of Science Policy and Analysis, NIDCR

  • J. Silvio Gutkind, Ph.D.
    Chief, Oral and Pharyngeal Cancer Branch
    Chief, Cell Growth Regulation Section, and Molecular Carcinogenesis Unit,
    Division of Intramural Research, NIDCR

  • Eleni Kousvelari, D.D.S., D.Sc.
    Chief, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Physiology and Biotechnology Branch
    Division of Basic and Translational Sciences, NIDCR

  • Wendy A. Liffers, J.D., M.A.
    Office of Science Policy and Analysis, NIDCR

  • Francis L. Macrina, Ph.D.
    Edward Myers Professor and Director
    The Philips Institute of Oral and Craniofacial Molecular Biology,
    Virginia Commonwealth University

  • Bruce L. Pihlstrom, D.D.S., M.S.
    Acting Director
    Division of Population and Health Promotion Sciences, NIDCR

  • Ricardo Martinez, M.D., M.P.H.
    Associate Director for Program Development,
    Office of the Director, NIDCR


This page last updated: July 22, 2008