Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual



Effective Date: 12/11/01

Series:  Departmental Directives

Part 011:  The Departmental Manual

Chapter 2:  Standards for Developing and Writing Chapters


Originating Office:  Office of Planning and Performance Management


011 DM 2


2.1     Standards.  The standards for developing and writing Departmental Manual (DM) Chapters are described below:


A.      Language.  Chapters are to be written in simple, easily understandable English.  Write short sentences.  Avoid repetition and excessive detail, technical or legalistic jargon, and gender specific language. 


B.      Acronyms.  Use acronyms sparingly and write the complete words for the acronym the first time it is used in a chapter. 


C.      References to DM Paragraphs. 


(1)     References to paragraphs in other DM Chapters are to be written beginning with Part Number, followed by the capital letters DM, followed by the chapter and paragraph number, for example, 101 DM 2.1B.


(2)     References to other paragraphs in the same chapter are to be written using only the chapter and paragraph number, example, paragraph 2.2.


D.      Weights and Measures.   It is the policy of the Department to comply with the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988 (Public Law 100 - 418, Section 5164) which amended the Metric Conversion Act.  Departmental policy and requirements for using the metric system of measurement for weights and measures in Departmental policies, directives, manuals, and publications are contained in 758 DM. 


E.       Chapter Size.  Policy statements are intended to convey basic requirements and should generally be limited to a few pages.  Should a chapter become too long, consideration should be given to sub-dividing the topics into other chapters, if appropriate. 


2.2     Organization Statements.  Chapters containing descriptions of functions, structures, and organizations of bureaus and offices of the Department should include the following subparagraph headings when appropriate:


A.      Creation - A summary statement of the origin and history of the bureau or office.  (Generally applies to bureaus of the Department.) 


B.      Authority - The basic statutes and other authorities governing the organization=s programs and functions.


C.      Mission - The overall purpose of the organization


D.      Goals or objectives - (optional) Statements or a list of the major efforts to achieve the mission.


E.       Functions - Brief statements of major responsibilities.


F.       Organization - Description of the headquarters and field organization including:


(1)     Responsibilities of heads of bureaus and line offices and functions of subordinate organizational units that report to the head of the bureau including any immediate staff (excluding clerical/secretarial staff).  If an organization has more than one deputy, descriptive information should be provided for each position. 


(2)     Functions of the headquarters office administrative organization and its component parts (personnel, management analysis, property management, financial management, general services, etc.).


(3)     Functions of the headquarters office program divisions.


(4)     Functional statements for headquarters offices (program, technical or administrative organizations) in non-headquarters locations.  Also, include city and state.


(5)     Appropriate organization charts of headquarters and field organizations.


(6)     Maps of first-level field office boundaries, including office locations.


2.3     Delegations of Authority.  Material prepared for publication in the Delegation Series (Parts 200-299 DM) must adhere to the policy and procedural requirements prescribed in 200 DM 1-3.  In the Delegation Series, the authority delegated should be briefly described and any limitations clearly stated.  Statements describing the policy under which the delegation may be exercised are permissible, but procedural and other such details should be included in the appropriate part(s) of the Administration or Program Series.


2.4     Administration, Program, and Emergency.  The content and arrangement of chapters in the Administration, Program, and Emergency Series are primarily determined by the variety and complexity of the programs and activities being described.  The following subparagraph headings are generally used to describe policies and procedures in the Administration, Program and Emergency Series.  (Not all sections will be applicable to all chapters.)


A.      Purpose.  State the intent of the chapter and/or the program, policy, etc. 


B.      Scope.  Identify who or what is covered by the policy.


C.      Authority.  Authority to perform a program responsibility is generally assumed.  If the authority is derived from a specific or special Act, or a particular Presidential or executive agency directive, an authority statement should be included.


D.      Policy.  Include a brief statement(s) of the requirements, procedures, actions, etc.. 


E.       Objectives.  List or briefly state the efforts to be achieved with regard to the program, policy, or instruction, when applicable.


F.       Responsibility.  A responsibility statement generally describes the organizational and/or program assignments, especially if the responsibility for the function is divided in any way.


G.      Definitions.  Terms for activities may require definitions if technical terms are used.  


H.      Standards, Requirements, and Procedures.  Statements describing the sequence of processing and decision making.  Variations in procedures at headquarters and in the field, alternative methods, legal questions, and other significant information should be covered in these subparagraphs.


I.        Reports and Forms.  Reporting requirements and forms required for implementing the directive should be identified.  Required reports must be identified by report Control Symbols and required forms must include official form numbers.  Due dates, documentation requirements, and how to obtain or access the reports and forms must be provided.  (Include websites when applicable.)


12/11/01 #3385

Replaces 1/24/92 #2934