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Alaska Mineral Resources

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Alaska Minerals Outreach


    This project is designed to facilitate the communication of minerals-related information to USGS cooperators, customers, and the general public through presentations, publications, and the World Wide Web. As part of the USGS mission to provide the Nation with reliable scientific information, the project strives to increase and improve the use of Mineral Resources Program-generated work. Targeted customers include policy makers and general audiences, in addition to the scientific and technical sectors. Following bureau, discipline, regional, and program guidelines, the Alaska Minerals Outreach project coordinates its efforts with additional Minerals Outreach projects in the Eastern, Central, and Western regions through a collaborative advisory process.




    Relevance and Impact

    Data on minerals and mineral products are critical for decision makers and regulators in formulating public policy for land stewardship, sustainable use, environmental impact, public health, and economic development. Expected outcomes include:


 Mineral Resources Eastern /  Central /  Western /  Alaska /  Minerals Information
Crustal Imaging & Characterization /  Spatial Data

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Page Last Modified: 12-Sep-2007@20:25