Turning Concepts into Reality

31st National Nutrient Databank Conference

Conference Program

These presentations are provided here as a courtesy by the speakers.  Please contact them before using any of the information contained within the presentations.

9:00 AM Nutrigenomics: A Promising Future Reality Traversing a Present Database Quagmire
Jose M. Ordovas, PhD
Senior Scientist and Director, Nutrition and Genomics Laboratory
Jean Mayer -USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, Tufts University
10:30 AM Opportunities and Challenges for Evaluating the Health Significance of Functional Foods and Their Components
John Milner, PhD
Chief, Nutrition Science Research Group, NCI, NIH
1:00 –
3:00 PM
International and Special Population Databases
Session Moderator: Joanne Holden
3:15 –
4:45 PM
New Data for Foods and Food Components
Session Moderator: Catherine Champagne