OGE Letterhead
August 14 , 2001

TO:      Designated Agency Ethics Officials
         and Alternate Designated Agency Ethics Officials

FROM:    Ferne L. Mosley, Esq.         
         Special Assistant to the Director

SUBJECT: Ethics Training Regulations

     The Director's one-day conference with a number of senior agency ethics officials in June 2001 featured a discussion of proposed revisions to the ethics training regulations found at 5 C.F.R. Part 2638. As promised, the Office of Government Ethics will continue to seek input from agency ethics officials. I will serve as the point of contact for the proposed revisions to the training regulations. I joined the Office of the Director recently after six and one-half years as an Attorney-Advisor in the Ethics Division at the Department of Commerce.

     A series of focus group meetings with several DAEOs and ethics officials will be arranged in the near future in order to share ideas about how the regulations should be tailored to produce the most effective training programs. Your suggestions will play a key role in the revisions to the regulations and I encourage you to participate as your schedule permits.
     I will notify various agency ethics officials individually to schedule the focus group meetings. I look forward to working with you on this project and others. Please feel free to contact me at 202-208-8000, ext. 1177, or by email at flmosley@oge.gov.