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  • Environmental Restoration Performance-Based Contracting Guidebook - The Air Force Environmental Restoration Program is committed to implementing performance-based contracting (PBC) to achieve cleanup program goals through a more effective acquisition process. To formalize this commitment, the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Environment, Safety, adn Occupational Health (SAF/IEE) issued teh AF Cleanup Program PBC Managment Policy memo, dated 27 October 2004, which calls for the use of PBC and acquisition strategies to the greatest extent possible. This Guidebook is intended to provide and overview of AF's approach for implementing PBCs and assist remedial project managers (RPMs) in understanding the basics of PBC; screening restoration sites for potential PBC applications; identifying the key components of a Statement of Objectives (SOO); and developing and successfully awarding PBCs for environmental restoration projects. PBCs are intented to be inherently flexible adn applicable to a wide range of projects with numerous funding profiles, end goals, and approaches.
  • AFCEE PBC/SOO Development Tool - The AFCEE PBC Tool is a web-based questionnaire-based project management and PBC assessment tool developed for environmental project managers. Environmental contractors, regulators, contracting officers as well others involved in environmental restoration will find the tool and its components to be helpful in understanding the requirements for PBC suitability. Download the AFCEE PBC/SOO Development Tool Tutorial.
  • AFCEE PBC Concept of Operations Document (AFCEE CONOPS) – This document helps guide and direct the implementation of PBC in environmental restoration programs. The CONOPs ensures a clear understanding of PBC and assists project managers (PMs) to apply PBC in the appropriate manner.
  • EPA Guidance on PBC – This March 2006 EPA OSWER Memorandum provides guidance on appropriate roles and responsibilities for EPA personnel where other Federal agencies are using PBC at federal facilities to conduct response actions at contaminated sites.
  • AFCEE Performance-Based Management (PBM) Web Site - This web site provides information on PBM components, steps, tools, exit strategy, implementation, guidance, demonstrations, training, and additional resources.
  • AFCEE Remedial Process Optimization (RPO) Web Site – This web site provides an information repository to organize and track remediation results, a toolbox to provide essential RPO information and tools, sample projects, frequently asked questions, and more.
  • Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council (ITRC) RPO Web Site – This web site contains numerous documents available from the ITRC RPO team including information on exit strategies, PBM, data management, analysis and visualization techniques, and more.