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National HIV/AIDS Program
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Female-Controlled Prevention Technologies

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  • Alan Guttmacher Institute
    Nonprofit focused on sexual and reproductive health research, policy analysis, and public education. Publishes periodic reports on microbicides.
  • Alliance for Microbicide Development
    Consortium of pharmaceutical companies, scientists, and advocacy groups dedicated to the development of topical microbicides for the prevention of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.
  • Global Campaign for Microbicides
    International effort to build support among policymakers, opinion leaders, and the general public for increased private and public sector investment in microbicide products that women and men could use vaginally or rectally to protect themselves and their partners from HIV and other STIs.
  • HIV Prevention Trials Network: Microbicide Research Agenda
    Evaluates and selects microbicides for clinical trials, and collaborates with other public health organizations involved in microbicide research to ensure a uniform approach to protocol development and design.
  • International Rectal Microbicide Advocates
    IRMA is a network numbering over 600 advocates, policymakers and leading scientists from over 45 countries on six continents working to advance a robust rectal microbicide research and development agenda.
  • Microbicides Development Programme
    Aims to evaluate potential microbicides in vitro, carry out safety studies in the United Kingdom and Africa, conduct social science research into acceptability and barriers to uptake of products, and complete phase III effectiveness trials.
  • Population Council
    International nonprofit institution that conducts biomedical, social science, and public health research. Manages family planning and reproductive health projects including work on microbicides.
  • Reproductive Health Technologies Project
    Provides educational materials and technical assistance to individuals and organizations advocating for microbicides.
  • Topical Microbicides
    U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, outlining past research, ongoing and future research, and links to other resources.
  • Women's Global Health Imperative
    A global research center based at Research Triangle Institute that provides scientific leadership to improve the ability of women and girls to protect themselves from HIV infection including microbicides.

Other Prevention Technologies

  • Center for Health and Gender Equity (CHANGE)
    Focuses on gender, rights, and health vis-à-vis population policy, contraceptive delivery, STIs and HIV, and gender violence. Advocates for expanded access to female and male condoms. The site contains Analyses of the U.S. AIDS Strategy and Resources on Gender and HIV/AIDS
  • The Cervical Barrier Advancement Society
    Aims to raise the profile of cervical barrier methods both for preventing pregnancy and potentially HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. Web site contains information about cervical barriers, downloadable materials, images of cervical barriers, and research updates.
  • CONRAD Program
    Exists to facilitate the rapid development of safe, acceptable, affordable products and methods that provide contraception and/or prevent the sexual transmission of HIV/AIDS and other infections.
  • Family Health International (FHI)
    International NGO whose projects include IMPACT Project and the HIV Prevention Trials Network (HPTN, see proper link below.) FHI provides scientific management and logistical and administrative support to the HPTN and chairs its Microbicide Science Working Group. Website includes research briefs, FAQs, and databases related to the female condom and microbicides; many publications available in Arabic, French, Spanish, and Russian.
  • Female Health Company
    Manufacturer of the female condom. Site includes instructions on use and information on the company's partnership with UNAIDS. Periodically issues an electronic newsletter.