Table 7. Job-related work at home on primary job by reason for working at home, sex, class of worker, and pay status, May 2004

     Table 7.  Job-related work at home on primary job by reason for working at home, sex, class of worker, and pay status, 
     May 2004
                                                                         Reason for working at home (percent)                
                                              Worked at                                Coordi-                               
                                                 home                                    nate               Local            
                  Characteristic                (1)(in             Business              work     Reduce  transpor-          
                                              thousand- Finish or     is    Nature of  schedule commuting tation or    Some  
                                                  s)     catch up conducted  the job     with    time or  pollution   other  
                                                         on work  from home            personal  expense   control    reason 
                                                                                      or family            program           
       Total, 16 years and over..............   20,673     35.5      21.0      30.8       5.4       1.6        .1       5.2  
     Men.....................................   10,780     35.4      21.7      31.4       3.6       1.7        .1       5.5  
     Women...................................    9,893     35.6      20.3      30.2       7.3       1.5        -        4.8  
        Class of worker and pay status (2)                                                                                   
     Wage and salary workers (3).............   13,678     44.9       8.2      34.3       4.8       2.0        .1       5.3  
       Paid work at home.....................    3,349     13.0      23.5      40.4       9.3       5.2        .2       7.7  
       Unpaid work at home...................   10,189     55.8       2.7      32.3       3.4       1.0       -         4.5  
     Self-employed (4).......................    6,960     17.2      46.3      23.8       6.5        .7        .1       4.9  
       With a home-based business (5)........    4,627      4.7      63.8      21.1       5.1        .6        .1       4.0  

       1 Persons who worked at home at least once per week.  This total includes persons who did not report a reason for
     working at home.
       2 Excludes unpaid family workers, not shown separately.
       3 Includes persons who worked at home but did not report pay status.
       4 Includes both the incorporated and unincorporated self-employed.
       5 Refers to self-employed persons who worked at home and reported that they ran their business from home and no other
       NOTE:  Data refer to employed persons in nonagricultural industries who reported that they usually work at home at
     least once per week as part of their primary job.  Dash represents or rounds to zero.

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Last Modified Date: September 22, 2005