When and how did the elements of life in the Universe arise? Missions

Following the Big Bang and the gradual cooling of the Universe the primary constituents of the cosmos were the elements hydrogen and helium. Even today, these two elements make up 98% of the visible matter in the Universe. Nevertheless, our world and everything it contains—even life itself—is possible only because of the existence of heavier elements such as carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, silicon, iron, and many, many others. How long did it take the first generations of stars to seed our Universe with the heavy elements we see on Earth today? When in the history of the Universe was there a sufficient supply of heavy elements to allow the formation of prebiotic molecules and terrestrial-like planets upon which those molecules might combine to form life.

*Sort missions by clicking Launch Date, A-Z, or PHASE column headers.

Launch Date A-Z Phase
19901202 December 02, 1990 Past
20030112 January 12, 2003 Past
Under Study
19990625 June 24, 1999 Past
20030429 April 28, 2003 Operating
19900425 April 24, 1990 Operating
20130701 June 30, 2013 Development
19750521 May 21, 1975 Past
Under Study
20030826 August 25, 2003 Operating
19981206 December 06, 1998 Past
20091103 November 02, 2009 Development