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Albuquerque - Official City Website

Mayor's Job Initiative and City Seal

The Mayor’s Youth Jobs Initiative (MYJI) is a City Initiative that matches youth between the ages of 16-21 with private sector jobs in their areas of interest. 

Are you a young person interested in employment? Please fill out this form!

If you have any questions or comments relating to this Registration Form, please call (505) 767-5860.


Your Information

Last Name*


First Name*

Middle Initial
Last Four Digits of Social Security Number *

Date of Birth *


Gender *



Zip Code*
Telephone Number*
Cellular Phone Number
Pager Number
Email Address *

How did you hear about the program? (Mark all that apply)*


Job Information

Do you have a resume?*


Do you have a driver's license?*


Do you have a clean driving record?*


Do you have reliable transportation?*


Have you registered with the Mayor's Youth JOBS Initiative before?*



Are you currently in school?*

Highest grade completed: *
School attending or last attended: *




If you have experience with the following, please check the appropriate boxes: (Mark all that apply)*

Computer Knowledge:


List any other skills not included above:


Employment Information


What type of employment would you like?*

Days and hours available to work:*

In what quadrant of the city do you prefer to work?*


Check the types of occupations in which you are interested: (Mark all that apply)*


Thank you for your interest in the Mayor's Youth JOBS Initiative!

*Fields marked with an asterisk must be completed in order to submit form

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