Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 5/14/98

Series: Administrative Procedure

Part 318: Federal Register Documents

Chapter 9: Documentation Standards

Originating Office: Executive Secretariat and Office of Regulatory Affairs

318 DM 9

9.1 What does this chapter do? This chapter tells you what files you must maintain to document actions and decisions that you publish in the Federal Register.

9.2 To whom is this chapter addressed? "You" in this chapter refers to the office of record for each document file. You must comply with this chapter, the records policy in 380 DM 1, and other applicable Departmental and bureau records guidance.

9.3 What must go in each file? You must establish for each rulemaking document a file that provides a chronological history of all activity related to the rule. You should include in each file the material listed in Appendix 1 to this chapter. Do not consider the list to be all inclusive, since the nature of a rule may require you to file additional materials.

9.4 How do I treat public comments? You must separate public comments from the internal comments in the file. This will facilitate public inspection of public comments.

9.5 How long must I keep the file for a rule? The General Records Schedule does not provide specific disposition authority for files related to Federal Register documents. You should therefore apply your bureau comprehensive records schedules. This will ensure adequate and consistent disposition of the files.


Appendix 1


You must include the material in this list in the record file for each rulemaking document that you initiate.

1. Original, signed and dated ROC

2. Copies of signed and dated documents as submitted to the Office of Management and Budget for review, including the OMB 83-Is and 83-Rs and other supporting materials

3. Copies of signed and dated documents as submitted for publication in the Federal Register if different from item 2 above

4. Official correspondence, including letters to and from the Office of Management and Budget and the Office of the Federal Register

5. Analyses, including Environmental Assessments, Environmental Impact Statements, Regulatory Impact Analyses, and Small Entity Flexibility Analyses

6. Documents incorporated by reference

7. Original public comments as segregated from item 8 below

8. Original internal comments as segregated from item 7 above

9. Documented verbal comment

10. Transcripts of public hearings

11. Minutes of meetings

12. Printed documents as published in the Federal Register

13. Other records and materials pertinent to the chronological or historical development of the document (e.g. press releases, maps, photographs, articles, publications, statutes, regulations, etc.)

NOTE: Consult bureau comprehensive records schedules for specific content, maintenance and disposition requirements.

5/14/98 #3213

Replaces 5/28/87 #2745

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