Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 5/14/98

Series: Administrative Procedure

Part 318: Federal Register Documents

Chapter 7: Certification and Publication

Originating Office: Executive Secretariat and Office of Regulatory Affairs

318 DM 7

7.1 What does this chapter do? This chapter tells you the requirements for formatting, certifying, and publishing Federal Register documents.

7.2 What are the paper and spacing requirements? You should type your document double spaced on plain bond paper.

7.3 How many copies do I need? Prepare the following copies:

A. Original and two certified copies (or three original signature pages) for transmittal to the Office of the Federal Register;

B. Surname copy for the Secretary's Files;

C. Two copies for the Secretary's Reading Files; and

D. Copy for the Office of Communications, if a press release has been prepared.

7.4 How do I get a billing code? You must include a billing code in the upper left corner of the first page of your document. See Appendix 1 to this chapter for a list of billing codes. If your office is not listed in Appendix 1 to this chapter, contact us.

7.5 What do I do after ORA and OMB review? After we have approved your document (and after OMB approval if necessary), have your document certified (if necessary) and send it to the Office of the Federal Register for publication.

7.6 When do I need to have my document certified?

A. If all three documents that you send to the Federal Register have original signatures, you do not need to have your document certified.

B. If any of the three documents that you send to the Federal Register does not have an original signature, you must have your bureau certifying officer certify it. If you do not know who your certifying officer is, see your bureau regulatory contact. Note: at least one of the documents that you send to the Federal Register must have an original signature.

7.7 What does the certifying officer check for?

A. If you are a certifying officer, you must check to see that:

(1) The name and title of the signing official are typed or printed on each copy;

(2) The date of signature is typed or printed on the original and certified copies; and

(3) Each of the copies is identical to the original document.

B. Once you are sure that the documents meet the requirements of paragraph A, certify the copies by adding and signing the certification statement that ORA has provided to you.

7.8 When do I need a transmittal letter? You can send most documents to the Federal Register without a transmittal letter. You must prepare a transmittal letter if you need to publish a document in less than three days, if the document includes an incorporation by reference, or if your document requires other special handling. See the DDH for requirements for this transmittal letter.

7.9 Where do I send my document? Use one of the following addresses, depending on the method of delivery.

A. Mailing Address.

Office of the Federal Register

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)

Washington, D.C. 20408

B. Handcarry/Express Mail Address.

Office of the Federal Register (NARA)

800 N. Capitol Street, NW - Suite 700

Washington, D.C. 20001

7.10 When will my document be published? The Federal Register will publish your document according to the schedule in 1 CFR Part 17, generally 3 work days after receipt.

7.11 How can I get extra copies of a rule? You can have the Government Printing Office (GPO) print extra copies (called overruns) of a rulemaking document. To do this, you must:

A. Have the rule published as a separate part of the Federal Register by asking OFR for a part assignment when you submit the document for publication; and

B. Submitting a request for an overrun on SF-1 through your bureau Printing Officer to the Interior Service Center (ISC). ISC must receive your SF-1 no less than two working days before the rule is scheduled to be published in the Federal Register.

7.12 Must I use metric measurements in my document? Yes. If your document contains measurements, you must use either metric units or dual dimensions (metric/inch-pound). For further guidance, see 758 DM 1 (Metric Policy).


Appendix 1 to Chapter 7


Acquisition and Property Management Office...................................................................4310-RF

Aircraft Services Office....................................................................................................4310-RM

Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget...................................................4310-RK

Communications Office....................................................................................................4310-RV

Congressional and Legislative Affairs Office...................................................................4310-RN

Environmental Policy and Compliance Office..................................................................4310-RG

Equal Opportunity Office..................................................................................................4310-RE

Executive Secretariat.........................................................................................................4310-RP

Fish and Wildlife Service...................................................................................................4310-55

Geological Survey..............................................................................................................4310-31

Hearings and Appeals Office.............................................................................................4310-79

Indian Affairs Bureau........................................................................................................4310-02

Insular Affairs Office.........................................................................................................4310-93

Information Resources Management Office....................................................................4310-RH

Land Management Bureau*..............................................................................................4310-84

Lowell Historic Preservation Commission......................................................................4310-KD

Minerals Management Service........................................................................................4310-MR

National Park Service........................................................................................................4310-70

Navajo-Hopi Relocation Commission.............................................................................4310-HB

Personnel Office...............................................................................................................4310-RJ

Reclamation Bureau..........................................................................................................4310-94

Secretary's Immediate Office............................................................................................4310-10

Solicitor's Office...............................................................................................................4310-17

Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement Office.....................................................4310-05

*The Bureau of Land Management also uses additional billing codes in offices located outside of Washington, DC.

5/14/98 #3211

Replaces 11/19/86 #2717

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