Seven Steps
to performance-based acquisition
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Additional Information

If you would like to learn more about integrated project teams (a.k.a. integrated product teams) and project management, we recommend the following sites and publications:

Relevant Regulations

   Federal Acquisition Regulation
see especially:

  • FAR 1.102 Statement of Guiding Principles for the Federal Acquisition System
  • FAR 1.102-4 Role of the Acquisition Team.
Websites about Teams

   Virtual IPT Learning Campus,
sponsored by the ASN(RDA) Navy Acquisition Reform Office
An on-line learning site with a broad range of Integrated Product Team (IPT) topics: from IPT theory to how to write an IPT charter; from IPT start up to how to achieve a high performing IPT; from IPT leadership to enterprise partnering.

   Team Building: Organizing a Team,
the University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension educational programs in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
This website can serve as a quick primer on organizing a team. It includes such information as team building steps, putting the team together, role of team leader, and team members' roles.

   Team Building: Developing a Productive Team,
the University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension educational programs in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
This website can serve as a quick primer on team building. It includes such information as characteristics of good team building, team effectiveness, and evaluate your team development.

   Project Management Institute's website

The Project Management Institute is the "leading nonprofit professional association in the area of Project Management," with over 80,000 members worldwide. PMI establishes Project Management standards, provides seminars, educational programs and professional certification that more and more organizations desire for their project leaders. The site includes articles from the current issue of PM Network magazine.

Additional Reading on Teams and Team Leadership:

   "Team Plan or Charter Guidelines," Revision 1, Federal Aviation Administration, July 1999.

   "Procurement Guide 05: The Integrated Project Team," United Kingdom Office of Government Commerce, 2003.

   DHHS Project Officers' Contracting Handbook

   Contracting Officer's Technical Representative (COTR) Training Blueprint, (formerly called the "Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) Workbook) Federal Acquisition Institute, November 2003.

   "Integrated Program Team Manual Update: Guidance for Program Teams and Their Subsets,"(1996), Department of the Navy, Naval Aviation Systems Team.

   "Army Efforts To Implement Integrated Product & Process Management (IPPM)," (1995), Department of the Army, U.S. Army Materiel Command Integrated Product & Process Management Working Group.

   "Rules of the Road: A Guide For Leading Successful Integrated Product Teams," (1995), Department of Defense, Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology, and Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence (C3I).

   "DoD Guide to Integrated Product and Process Development," (Version 1.0, 1996), Department of Defense, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition and Technology).

   GAO Report, "Best Practices: DOD Teaming Practices Not Achieving Potential Results," GAO-01-510, April 2001. Despite negative title, this report examines how best practices can help maximize the benefits of integrated product teams and examines the factors that are critical to making integrated product teams effective.

   "Scheduling Guide for Program Managers,"
Defense Systems Management College, October 2001.

   "Memorandum for Chief Acquisition Officers,"
The Federal Acquisition Certification for Program and Project Managers, OFPP, (April 25, 2007).

The Seven Steps