Seven Steps
to performance-based acquisition
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step 1
Establish an Integrated Project Team
Develop rules of conduct.
Seasoned facilitators and team leaders know this: It is important to develop rules of conduct for groups of people. Setting the rules... and then insisting on their use... is a key to effective team operation. Given a clear purpose and defined approach for working together, teams are much more likely to move quickly through the early phases of team performance and achieve the desired result.

Those phases of teamwork were identified by B.W. Tuckman in the "Tuckman model":
  • forming, or coming together
  • storming, or conflict
  • norming, or working out the rules
  • performing, or getting the job done
  • adjourning, or ending the job (closure)
While the length of time different groups take to pass through each of these developmental stages varies, high team performance is usually not achieved until the group has passed through the first three stages.
View a facilitator's sample ground rules and operating procedures for teams.     View DoD's Ground Rules for Implementing IPTs    View USDA's Do and Don't rules for COTRs

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