Seven Steps
to performance-based acquisition
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Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions

Reporting Performance-Based Acquisitions in the Federal Procurement Data System

Q40 If I'm buying products, and the contract includes services, can I get credit for using a performance-based approach for the services portion?

A40 This question is addressed in the manual for the Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS) and has been updated via the September 7, 2004 memorandum from OMB on increasing the use of performance-based contracts.

"If more than 50 percent of the requirement is performance-based, as measured in dollars, the service action may be coded as a PBSA. With the increase in the multi-purpose and hybrid service actions, agencies are encouraged to apply PBSA methods to more of their eligible service actions and should be recognized for these efforts. The FPDS instructions will be changed accordingly. As PBSA use increases and performance goals improve, this percentage may change."

Q41 How do I report a performance-based acquisition in the Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS)?

A41The guidance provided in the September 7, 2004 memorandum from OMB states that if more than 50 percent of the dollars obligated on a contract action (contract award, modification, or task order), then agencies may check YES in the block on the ICAR that asks if the acquisition was performance-based. This changes the instruction in the FPDS Manual, which previously held that 80 percent of the dollars had to be performance-based before YES can be checked.

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step 7