State and Local Employment Resources for Utah

Center for Persons with Disabilities

The Center for Persons with Disabilities (CPD) is Utah's University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research and Services (UCEDD). CPD provides programs and services that promote opportunities for individuals with disabilities.
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Centers for Independent Living (CILs) in Utah

Information, including contact names and numbers, for CILs in Utah. CILs provide people with disabilities advocacy and support services, including assistance with employment, transportation, housing, health care and living skills.
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U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) District Office

Enforces many federal civil laws, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), that prohibit job discrimination. The Phoenix District Office has jurisdiction over the states of Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and several counties in New Mexico.

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Utah Antidiscrimination & Labor Division - Education & Outreach Program

Helps employers, employees, housing providers, tenants, realtors, bankers and the general public better understand their rights and responsibilities under the various laws we enforce.
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Utah Assistive Technology Foundation

A private, non-profit organization that provides low-interest loans to purchase assistive technology and telework devices.

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Utah Assistive Technology Program

Provides people with disabilities in Utah and the intermountain region with assistive technology devices and services.

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Utah Division of Aging & Adult Services

Provides specialized services for persons over 60 to improve their quality of life, including case management, adult day care programs, housing services, senior employment programs, transportation services, in-home services, healthcare and advocacy services.

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Utah Employment Network Program

Designed to increase opportunities and choices for Social Security disability beneficiaries in obtaining employment, vocational rehabilitation (VR) and other support services from public and private providers, employers and other organizations.
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Utah Labor Commission - Antidiscrimination & Labor Division

Investigates and resolves employment and housing discrimination complaints on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, familial status, disability or source of income, and enforces Utah's minimum wage, wage payment requirements, laws which protect youth in employment and the requirement that private employment agencies be licensed.
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Utah Labor Commission - Division of Industrial Accidents

Helps resolve workplace injuries fairly and efficiently, and monitors and administers the workers' compensation program for the state of Utah.
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