Neighbor of the Year

2008 Neighbor of the Year Application

Chuck Malpede was an educator who taught high school history classes.  He lived in the Maple Ash neighborhood, one of Tempe’s oldest historic neighborhoods which is adjacent to both downtown and Arizona State University.  Chuck believed in positive problem solving and proactive planning and neighborhood organizing. 

While he did not support negative, reactive responses to specific issues, neither was he concerned by the inevitable conflicts that emerge in community building because he understood the dynamics of change and conflict resolution.  Chuck was gentle, methodical, and persistent.  He was a staunch advocate for participatory governance and when he saw that neighborhoods in Tempe had little say in development decisions, he sought to rectify that situation. 

Working with then-Mayor Harry Mitchell, a fellow teacher and friend, Chuck helped the City of Tempe establish the Neighborhood Services program in 1987.  He envisioned a process whereby citizens and their government would work together in a respectful and egalitarian manner to both solve problems and pursue opportunities to build a better community.  Chuck Malpede stood for empowered neighborhoods, especially in the face of tremendous growth and change.  For this reason, his name gives honor to the grass roots mobilizers that continue to make our neighborhoods great.

In 1995, the Tempe City Council approved the dedication of the City's Neighbor of the Year Awards to the memory of Chuck Malpede. The individuals receiving these awards reflect the same commitment to and passion for improving and maintaining the highest quality of life in Tempe's neighborhoods and they daily demonstrate their belief by giving of themselves to improve their neighborhoods.

Each neighborhood group may choose its own Neighbor of the Year who will be recognized at the  Neighborhood Workshop and Awards to be held Saturday, April 5, 2008 at the Pyle Adult Recreation Center, 655 E. Southern Avenue (northwest corner of Rural and Southern).  The Awards portion of the Neighborhood Workshop will be from 8:00-9:00 a.m., workshop breakout sessions will be from 9:00-noon.  All nominees will be recognized with an award for their commitment and contributions to their neighborhood.  One nominee who best demonstrates and embodies the qualities noted in the selection guidelines below will receive a special Chuck Malpede Neighbor of the Year Award.

Your Neighbor of the Year selection may be any individual who has been exceptionally neighborly, including residents, property owners, business owners,
nonprofit organization staff, school staff or City staff.  Nominations for exemplary youth are welcome and encouraged as well!  (Note:  One nominee please per Neighborhood or Homeowners’ Association.)

On the application, please thoughtfully describe how your neighborhood’s Neighbor of the Year nominee embodies Chuck Malpede’s ideals.  Keep in mind that the written nomination will be read at the Neighborhood Workshop and Awards.

Chuck Malpede Neighbor of the Year Award Program Selection Criteria
In reviewing the nominees for the Chuck Malpede Neighbor of the Year Award, the guidelines provided below will be used for selection purposes.

The nominee exhibits, practices, or otherwise embodies one or more of the following characteristics or approaches to community building:

       Cultivates positive problem solving

       Encourages proactive planning

       Promotes conflict resolution

       Advocates for participatory governance

       Behaves in a respectful and egalitarian manner

       Seeks neighborhood empowerment

       Mobilizes and encourages others to action


2000 Neighbors of the Year

Phil Amorosi
Hudson Manor NA

"Phil is the current association president. He has served several terms. Phil has secured several City grants for neighborhood enhancement. He unfailingly produces a monthly high quality newsletter, which he hand delivers to each home. Phil conducts monthly association meetings with an interesting and informative agenda. He has single-handedly done more for our neighborhood than any other single individual. Phil has set up an association e-mail hotline to disseminate news quickly."

Carol Campbell
Mitchell Park West NA

"Carol is one of the founding members of the Mitchell Park Neighborhood Association since its formation in 1988. She also is its longest continuous board member and leader of the local neighborhood Block Watch. A member of Holdeman School’s PTA, she has organized grants to fund new playground equipment. She is an active member of Holdeman Elementary and Tempe High Site Councils.

Sheila Hove
McClintock NA

"Talented Sheila Hove has been our newsletter editor for 3 years. She has willingly contributed her computer expertise by communicating neighborhood events to members of our association. She also writes beautiful thank you notes on the computer to businesses that donate gift certificates for neighborhood potlucks.

Susan Jackson
Superstition NA

"Susan Jackson has been active in neighborhood and civic affairs for many years. During the past year she has organized monthly meetings and developed effective, acceptable methods for better maintenance and for handling noisy disruptive activities at some neighborhood rental houses and helped these renters to feel part of the total neighborhood environment:

Pat Kaufman
Calle de Caballos HOA

"Pat Kaufman, serving her last year as Calle de Caballos HOA President, has worked tirelessly to promote a quality neighborhood environment to both residents and South Tempe residents alike. For over 20 years, she has unselflessly championed fairness, diversity and civility in all matters undertaken by her.

Jerry Olson
Alameda Estates HOA

"Jerry has been president of Alameda Estate’s Board for the last three years. He served two other terms as president. Jerry has consistently served our neighborhood since he and his wife Mollie moved into this area. He is a composed leader for our board, solving problems with decorum and patience."

Keith Pierce
University Heights NA

"A resident of our neighborhood for over 42 years, Mr. Pierce has divided his community contributions to church, Meals on Wheels, serving at election pole sites and over 40 years devoted to the Boy Scouts. A silent working asset to our community and best of all a valued neighbor."

Jack Vander Woude
Warner Ranch Landing II HOA

"Jack has been on the Board since 1993 and has served as Board President since 1998. In this capacity, he has provided the outstanding leadership essential for the proper functioning of Landing II’s board. The wisdom, tenacity and kindness Jack brings to the Board has vastly improved its effectiveness and thus the quality of life in Landing II. Jack’s tireless efforts on behalf of our community continue to be an inspiration to us all."

1999 Neighbors of the Year

Denise Lowell-Britt
Broadmor NA

"We have selected Denise Lowell-Britt because she represents the continuity of our neighborhood association. She’s an extremely dedicated individual to her family, work and community. Everyone knows her because she has made an effort to get to know all the neighbors, including people who have just moved in. She was involved with the original organization of our neighborhood association in the early 1990’s and has continued to run the holiday adopt-a-family program which has become more successful every year. Denise continues to serve as a board member with several community organizations beyond our own neighborhood."

Patricia Brody
Park Premiere South II HOA

"Patricia Brody was instrumental in getting our renovation project passed in our community. As a result, our neighborhood aesthetics have been greatly improved. New block walls and vinyl siding will keep our community looking nice for years to come. Serving on a board is a thankless job – endless hours – and we need more recognition programs to reward those who serve our community."

Elaine Brown
Warner Ranch Landing II HOA

"Elaine has served on the Board as Treasurer since 1995. In this capacity, she has provided the financial acumen essential for the proper management of Landing II’s resources. Her uncanny ability to help the Board understand the often arcane workings of the budget process has proven invaluable in controlling costs while improving the quality of life in the neighborhood. In recognition of these contributions to the community, the Landing II Board is pleased to proclaim Elaine Brown as a truly great neighbor of this or any other year!"

Bob Conklin and Bob Mofle
Park Premiere South HOA

"Bob Conklin goes above and beyond the duties of a board member or our association. Bob has spent a good portion of his ‘spare’ time building fences, replacing sprinkler lines and heads, repairing light fixtures, and helping homeowners with other miscellaneous jobs. His dedication to our community is unparalleled and much appreciated by everyone."

"Bob Mofle is a former board member who also has helped in all the same ways as Bob Conklin. And now he helps the association even though he’s not a board member. He, too, is dedicated to improving our community."

Stephanie Machen
Mitchell Park West NA

"Stephanie has been the vice-chair for our neighborhood association for the past four years. She has hosted our board of directors meetings at her home, and also has been instrumental in gaining grants and projects that benefit our association. She has edited and formatted our neighborhood newsletter for the same four years."

Al Padberg
McClintock NA.

"Al volunteered to lead the Neighborhood Policing Committee when the McClintock Neighborhood Association first met to organize. Since then, he has been active in assisting with neighborhood potlucks and has attended meetings faithfully. Once when our neighborhood picnic was rained out, he graciously offered to move the picnic inside to his family room. We appreciate your helpfulness, Al"

Mayor Neil Giuliano congratulates the 1998 Neighbors of the Year.1998 Neighbors of the Year:

Edith M. Blocher
Bradley Manor Townhomes HOA

"Edie Cares very much for her neighborhood:

  • Block Watch captain from the beginning
  • Puts the Night Out party together
  • Fun for all ages
  • Reports trouble spots to the board when they occur
  • Always willing to help her neighbors when they need help"

Karen Gibbs
Superstition NA

"Karen has given of herself unselfishly for many years whether in the local block for continuing the Malibu Drive socials (now over 20 years old), or as Block Watch captain, or as neighborhood association block representative in the governing council. Karen has also served on the Police Advisory Board in addition to other civic tasks. She and her husband, Robert Gibbs, also lead a Cub Scout pack. Best of all, Karen is basically just a very good neighbor."

Carolyn Greer
Optimist Park Southeast NA

"Carolyn was instrumental in working with members of all four neighborhood associations in the design, survey, and selection of the best alternative for the landscaping improvements and concrete pathway for the El Paso natural gas easement. She helped as the liaison between the NA and the City to follow up on implementation issues. She most recently worked with two NA’s, Fuller School, and the City to select and install playground equipment at Fuller, as a recipient of one of Tempe’s neighborhood assistance grants."

Shirley Hoover
Warner Ranch Landing II HOA

"Shirley has served on the board as secretary since 1994. In this capacity she has provided the organizational acumen essential for the proper management of Landing II’s records. A resident of Tempe for over 30 years, Shirley has also served the community in many other capacities and functions as Landing II’s historian, institutional memory and inspiration. In recognition of these contributions to the community, the Landing II board is pleased to proclaim Shirley Hoover as a truly great neighbor of this or any other year."

Jim Lemmon
North Tempe NA

"Mr. Lemmon spends a great deal of his valuable time with community affairs. He is on the site committee for Laird Elementary School, and assists with various functions for the school as well as for the Tempe Elementary School District. He is a valued and knowledgeable member of the NTNA council. Further, Mr. Lemmon is a member of the Motorola/Scottsdale Community Liaison Council - North Tempe Neighborhood Association Risk and Resource Joint Committee for the north Tempe/ south Scottsdale area. There is much more that we could say in praise of Jim Lemmon."

Jenny Lucier
Maple Ash NA

"As a founding member of MANA, Jenny has been hard at work for eleven years making our neighborhood a better place to live, work, and recreate. Jenny is largely responsible for fostering the wide variety of communications, events projects, and processes which make Maple Ash a successful neighborhood association. Most recently her survey work for General Plan 2020 affirmed that the clear majority of neighborhood property owners wish to maintain the existing density characteristic of Maple Ash. Thanks, Jenny."

Caroline and Dick McQueen
Mitchell Park West NA

"Caroline and Dick McQueen are the ‘unsung heroes’ of the Mitchell Park NA both east and west. They have become a local institution, not by their in local politics or civil affairs, but through longevity at the address and by consistently being visible in the neighborhood with an open, creative mind, a constant smile, and warm, positive words on any topic. They are consulted by neighbors because they know everything about the daily and historic rhythms of the neighborhood, and will reflect only the most positive aspects of their lives and those around them. Caroline and Dick can be seen every day on their regular walks through Mitchell Park."

John Reigelsberger
McClintock NA

"John was the association’s first chairman and during the past several years has always been an active participant in every organized neighborhood event. John is positive and hard working, willing to do whatever is necessary to get the job done. Without John’s dedication, the McClintock Neighborhood Association would not be in existence. It has been an honor to know and have worked with John as a member of the McClintock Neighborhood Association."

Jon Slusser
Alameda Estates HOA

"Jon served as our association president for the past two years, and served a total of six years as a board member. He was the organizing force behind the development of our block watch program. He has hosted our annual pot-luck meeting for two years. Jon has completely reorganized our association minutes and other documents. To summarize, Jon is very deserving of this award."

1997 Neighbors of the Year:

Lynn Danielewicz
Estate La Colina Neighborhood Association

Nominated by Pam Goronkin

"Lynn started neighborhood block parties years ago and has continued her attention to the neighborhood by lining up wonderful prizes from local merchants for the Estate La Colina Estrada Extravaganza. Lynn also helps out at the school and is just in general the kind of neighbor you can always count on."

Brian Fees
Pheasant Ridge Neighborhood Association

Nominated by Janice Lisy

"Brian Fees spearheaded Pheasant Ridge in negotiations between two different grocery chains and the City of Tempe regarding the vacant land at the corner of McClintock and Elliot. This had a direct impact on the neighborhood. Brian put in countless hours and money in research into making this a compatible site with our neighborhood. Thanks to Brian Fees, City Council, Safeway, and several neighbors, we have a great looking grocery store that minimizes the impact on neighbors."

Bob Herbold
Tempe Gardens Townhomes Homeowners Association

Nominated by Debra Umbower

"Bob serves his neighborhood in a variety of ways. He is constantly monitoring the activity of the neighborhood; he knows the majority of his neighborhood by the residents' names and can recite their addresses! He volunteers his time hand delivering the association's newsletters and spends several hours a week chaperoning the clubhouse for after-school activities. Bob is a true good neighbor."

Melvin L. Kessler
Superstition Neighborhood Association

Nominated by Roger Burgoyne

"Mel has served as chairman of our neighborhood association for many years. He has given unselfishly of his time and efforts in helping the association as a whole as well as individual residents. He has given the same cooperation and service to the City of Tempe itself."

Pat Koppen
Maple Ash Neighborhood Association

Nominated by Karyn Gitlis

"Pat sees a problem and she takes charge. She's always at work in the neighborhood, lobbying for alley lighting, writing letters, talking to owners about problems at their businesses, or whatever else needs to be done in Maple Ash. We're not the only neighborhood that benefits from Pat's community spirit. Her daughter Margaret recently bought a home in Mitchell Park, so Pat's at work there too!"

Dolly Meade
McClintock Neighborhood Association
Nominated by Frank Morales

"Dolly Meade has served as the social chairperson of the McClintock Neighborhood Association for three years. She has contacted local businesses to donate door prizes for the neighborhood association's social activities, which has increased attendance. Dolly's spark has inspired the neighborhood's Core Team, and she has truly gone the extra mile for her neighbors."

Gerald Olson
Alameda Estates Homeowners Association

Nominated by Jon Slusser

"This past year Gerry personally identified the need to conduct major repairs on our perimeter fence surrounding the association. He organized volunteer work parties on three separate weekends to accomplish the task. Over 290 block fence panels covering more than 20,000 square feet were painted. 225 volunteers consumed 84 gallons of paint, 16 gallons of sealer, and 15 tubes of caulking compound. Gerry's personal leadership in coordinating the work parties saved the association an estimated $5,000. And more importantly, the group activity helped solidify the bond amongst homeowners."

Fred Weber
Warner Ranch Landing II Homeowners Association

Nominated by Mitch Hamlin

"Fred has served as board president since 1995. In this capacity, he has provided the outstanding leadership essential for the proper functioning of the association board. Among his many strengths is his ability to solve neighborhood conflicts by encouraging people to practice the 'golden rule.' Fred's unwavering kindness and genuine concern have been an inspiration to us all. In recognition of these contributions to the community, the Warner Ranch Landing II Board is pleased to proclaim Fred Weber as our 1997 neighbor of the year."

Christine Zahn
Springdale Condominiums Homeowners Association

Nominated by Debra Umbower

"Christine is tireless when striving to make Springdale Condominiums one of the most desirable places to reside within the City of Tempe. She has spent literally hundreds of hours devoted to researching the problems the association must resolve as a result of developer bankruptcy, and to bring the standards of this association up to nothing but perfection. Although perfection is quite a distance away, there is nothing that will stand in the way for Christine to achieve the goals she has for Springdale. As a board president, her accomplishments are many. Christine is the kind of resident any city should be proud to claim as one of their own."

1996 Neighbors of the Year:

Gary Graham
Estate La Colina NA

Nominated by Pam Goronkin

"Estate La Colina Neighborhood Association was born when a handful of interested strangers gathered in the fall of 1994. Gary Graham and his wife B.J. were among them. Gary led the organizational meeting in December 1994 and he and his wife have served 15 months as Vice Chairs for Social Life. Although Gary Claims to be shy, he is one of the most helpful and friendly people around, and was extremely instrumental in the success of our Estrada Extravaganza this past October."

Jane Dominique
Warner Ranch Landing II HOA

Nominated by Mitch Hamlin

"The Landing II Board has selected Jane Dominique as our Neighbor of the Year. Jane has served on the Board as Treasurer since 1994. In this capacity, she has provided the financial acumen essential for the proper management of Landing II's resources. Her uncanny ability to make the Board understand the often arcane workings of the budget process has proven invaluable in controlling costs while improving the quality of life in our neighborhood.

"In recognition of these contributions to the community, the Landing II Board is pleased to proclaim Jane Dominique as a truly great neighbor of this or any other year!"

Sally Plummer
Superstition NA
Nominated by Mel Kessler

"For over six years, Sally has served as a member of the Board and Secretary of the Superstition Neighborhood Association. She has demonstrated a consistent involvement and commitment to the neighborhood by actively taking a leadership role in Board meetings, planning her street's annual block party, arranging National Night Out activities, and coordinating neighborhood communication on her street. Sally has always positively influenced the character of the neighborhood and is our Neighbor of the Year."

Bernice Harrod
University Estates NA
Nominated by Irene Benedict

"Our nominee for the award plaque is Bernice Harrod, better known to all as, 'Bernie.' Bernie is very adamant about her responsibilities. As a retiree and early resident of the University Estates, she patrols her block in the morning and afternoon. She retrieves any newspapers left on the driveways and places them in the carports, takes any advertisement at the doors, and replaces recycling barrels to their respective places.

"When any of the neighbors are on vacation, they notify her and she will collect the mail and hold it until their return. Bernie keeps a watchful look at the residence. The Encanto Drive residents are notified immediately of any reports of vandalism or crime in the area.

"She never misses a neighborhood board meeting. Bernie personally notifies all residents on her watch of semi-annual meetings and makes sure the Encanto block makes its quota. After our neighborhood meetings, she will phone and thank each of us for being present.

"Bernice Harrod is truly a 'watchful block captain' who makes it a pleasure to live in this area. Our neighborhood is very grateful to have such a care-taker."

1995 Neighbors of the Year:

Ed Pope
Butler Tempe HOA

"As President of the BTHA Board of Directors, Ed is outstanding because of his constructive and innovative leadership. He has worked on initiating long and short term facilities and administrative and fiscal improvement programs. He has established a liaison/membership with homeowner advocacy groups such as North Tempe Neighborhood Association, the Community Associations Institute and the City of Tempe's Neighborhood Program."

Joseph Sheedy
Buena Vista Ranchos HOA

"Joe has been in charge of maintaining our common area and has done work above and beyond our expectations with a positive demeanor towards our employees and neighbors."

Paul Smith
Broadmor Place HOA

"In addition to beautifying his own property, Paul voluntarily cleans neighbors' yards, sweeps the street and performs many other kindnesses. He is the perfect neighbor!"

Ray Frey
Colonia del Sur I HOA

"Ray consistently helps our HOA by providing concern for the well being of homeowners, particularly elderly persons. He helps them and all others in the association by helping with maintenance and donating his time on small projects."

Ernie Nickels
Daley Park NA

"As a founding father of Daley Park NA, Ernie has donated his professional expertise to the betterment of our neighborhood from the architectural design work of the wall to the drawings he produced. He freely gave of his time and knowledge which, since he is a professional architect, are worth a great deal of money -- but he gave them as gifts to our neighborhood."

Gordon Carr
Dava/Lakeshore NA

"This year the Dava/Lakeshore Neighborhood Association has elected Gordon Carr posthumously to be Neighbor of the Year. Gordon was a devoted family man, a 1955 graduate of ASU, a dedicated worker in his position as a regional accountant for a dept. of the federal government, and he was committed to community service in his neighborhood.

Gordon and Alice Carr have lived in Tempe for 19 years total with 9 of them in the Dava/Lakeshore neighborhood. Gordon was a member of our Neighborhood Council, a Block Watch participant and was instrumental in obtaining city approval for a traffic light at Lakeshore and Elliot. In 1981 Gordon retired and sold real estate for a while.

Gordon and Alice have 4 sons, one of whom is an active participant in a blockwatch on E. Chilton Dr. in our neighborhood association. It certainly seems as though the family is carrying on the tradition of good neighbors that Gordon and Alice established.

Sadly, Gordon died on May 6, 1994 and all who knew him in the neighborhood miss him. However, he left a legacy which will survive through his unselfish acts in the community. We therefore request this award for Gordon, posthumously."

Lori Hagen
Estate La Colina NA

"By coordinating monthly cocktail parties and the Holiday House Walk, Lori has created a fellowship of close friends who also happen to be neighbors."

Kay Windes
Maple Ash NA

"At our annual MANA potluck gathering in October, Kay Windes was presented with our "neighbor of the Year award." She was seriously ill at the time and passed away a few days later. She was a retired teacher who continued to share her knowledge about a vast number of subjects with her neighbors and her community. In a MANA newsletter she was described as 'one who expressed herself enthusiastically, breathlessly and without punctuation." It is an endearing description of this woman who truly was a "teacher" in every aspect of her life. We benefitted from her historic knowledge of our community and from her living in our neighborhood for 50 years. Our family of neighbors greatly miss her."

Bill Jones
Meyer Park NA

"Bill Jones sets the standard for being a good neighbor. He doesn't sit back and wait for others to get the job done. He has been at the forefront of every effort to organize and improve our neighborhood, e.g. painted house numbers in alleys and worked on annual garage sales on Bishop Drive. He never draws attention to his efforts, but quietly moves forward, continually working to better our neighborhood."

Tim Donnelly
North Tempe NA

"Tim Donnelly was selected by the NTNA Council for his commitment and achievements on behalf of the City of Tempe, other associations as well as the north Tempe community. It is not necessary to enumerate Tim's qualities since they are so well known to city staff and fellow associations."

Paul Kelley
Superstition NA

"Since the start of the Superstition NA in 1988, Paul has been an active, involved and caring neighborhood leader. He has been a member of our board, a block representative for his street and editor of the Superstition Neighborhood Association newsletter since the start of the association.

Paul consistently puts forth extra effort on behalf of the neighborhood whether it is spearheading the removal of graffiti, promoting block watch programs or inspiring neighbors to get involved with community activities. His unselfish contributions on behalf of SNA make him our Neighbor of the Year."

Bill & Barbara Worbington
University Heights NA

"When an elderly person can't care for himself, Bill and Barb are there to help out. Bill has built a shed, tiled their floors, cared for their landscaping and pets all on top of working a full time job. When graffiti makes its way into our area, Barb takes a photo for the Police Dept., then sprays it out. All of the kids on the block know if trouble arises they can run to "the block watch lady's house." Bill & Barb cared for a little girl when her grandma had a heart attack and comforted her. At all functions Barb donates time and food for our benefit. I realize I've gone over 25 words, but I feel our neighborhood would have a definite deficit without Barb & Bill ... we feel so much better having them here."

John O'Connell
Warner Ranch Landing II HOA

"John our current President, has served on the Board since its inception in 1991. In various capacities he has provided the gentle guidance and institutional memory essential to the development of the Board from its nascent state to its mature functioning. Although his expertise will be sorely missed when he leaves the board in April, his legacy of leadership has provided the firm foundation upon which the Landing II community will prosper. He is truly a great neighbor of this or any other year! "