Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 12/12/72

Series: Personal Property and Services

Part 402: Requisitioning

Chapter 3: Administrative Review

Originating Office: Office of Acquisition and Property Management


This chapter has been given a new release number.* No text changes were made.

402 DM 3

3.1 Purpose. Supervisory officials to whom requisitions are presented for approval and purchasing officers to whom approved requisitions are submitted for action shall make full utilization of Government property and not expend public funds for the purchase of supplies, equipment, and services not necessary in the carrying out of the program of the Department.

3.2 Availability of Funds. Procurement action on requisitions shall not be taken until it has been determined that funds are available and adequate for the contemplated purchase; unless there is specific authority of law for the entering into of contracts in which the liability of the United States shall be contingent upon appropriations and prospective bidders are so notified. Such determination may be based on allotments of funds to the appropriate offices, notations on the requisitions as to the encumbrance of funds, or such other procedure as may be prescribed. When a determination of fund availability is made prior to receipt of the requisition by the purchasing office, the appropriation symbol and title shall be shown. Except as otherwise provided by law, sums appropriated for expenditures in the public service shall be applied solely to the objects for which they are respectively made, and for no other. (31 U.S.C. 628; 31 U.S.C. 655)

3.3 Availability from Inventory. Officials approving requisitions, or those in whose jurisdiction purchasing is to be accomplished, shall institute procedures, by the routing of the requisition to the bureau warehouse or stockroom serving the area or otherwise, to insure the checking of each requisition against existing stocks before purchase action is taken.. The checking of other sources of existing Government supplies such as property excess to the needs of other agencies or departments, and stocks held in the General Services Administration supply centers, is normally considered a purchasing, instead of a requisitioning function and is covered in 41 CFR 1-5.3. However, personnel initiating or approving requisitions who have knowledge at hand of a Government source of supply should so indicate on the requisition.

3.4 Program. Requisitioning should be so planned as to meet the varying needs of each respective program. (When practicable, standard of needs should be developed for each program activity.) Requisitions should be initiated well in advance of required delivery dates, bearing in mind that the most economical methods of distribution or purchase of supplies are frequently not the most expeditious. It is the policy of the Department to hold year-end purchases to essential needs, and therefore replenishment of stocks should be on an orderly basis. Requisitions should not be held for action in the closing month of the fiscal year.

3.5 Miscellaneous Review. Final review shall be made to determine that all requirements of justification and approval have been completed before the requisition is released for processing.


12/12/72 #3418

Replaces 12/12/72 #1514

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