Seven Steps
to performance-based acquisition
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step 7
Additional Information

If you would like to learn more about this topic, we recommend the following sites and publications:
regulations | websites | reading |

Relevant Regulations

   Federal Acquisition Regulation, especially:

FAR Part 42, Contract Administration and Audit Services
   Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP) Policy Letter 93-1, "Management Oversight of Service Contracting," May 18, 1994

Websites about Contract Management

   NASA Procurement Library: Contract Management
This site has a collection of materials related to contract management in the NASA Procurement Library

   Department of Defence Acquisition Policy Center, containing a host of information about contract management assembled by the Defense Contract Management Agency

   Department of Energy Reference Book for Contract Administrators
The information at this site was assembled "to establish a corporate contract administration baseline across the DOE complex by setting forth the roles, responsibilities and procedures for those involved in the process of administering the Department's major site and facility management contracts."

Additional Reading:

   Acquisition Directions® Advisory, "Performance-based Acquisition Requires the Six Disciplines of Performance-based Management™", published by Acquisition Solutions®

   "DHHS Project Officers' Contracting Handbook," Guide includes a chapter on Post-Award Administration.

   "Risk Management Guide for DoD Acquisition," Excellent resource for planning for and managing contract/program risks.

   "A Guide to Best Practices for Contract Administration," Office of Federal Procurement Policy, October 1994.

   "White Paper: Past Performance," prepared by Acquisition Solutions® for the General Services Administration, December 1997.

   "Cost Plus Award Fee Contract Administration Deskguide," Department of Army, TRADOC Acquisition Center.

   "Contracting Officer Representative (COR) Deskguide," Department of Army, TRADOC Acquisition Center.

   "Contracting Officer's Representative's (COR) Workbook," General Services Administration, April 2000 (Draft)

   "Quality/Reliability Officer Guidebook," Federal Aviation Administration, June 1999, to "provide guidance to FAA Quality Assurance personnel involved in all quality-related aspects of FAA procurements for material and services."

   "User's Guide to Performance Based Payments," Department of Defense, Office of the Deputy Under Secretary for Acquisition Reform, November 30, 2001.

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The Seven Steps
step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7