NOAA Ocean Acidification Research Planning Meeting
Summary of the meeting
(Word Document)
The following are power point presentations from the meeting.
Ocean acidification species specific effects
OA Scenarios and Economic-Ecological Impacts in the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska - Dalton
Assessing Impacts of OA on the Coral Reef Ecosystems in the U.S.-affiliated Pacific Islands - Brainard
CO2 time series in the North Pacific
OA and Coral Reefs: The Problem and Coral Reef Conservation Program Actions - Eakin
NOAA OA Planning Meeting - Feely
NOAA FY10 – 14 Integrated Ocean Acidification Initiative - Gledhill
Removed from site by request of the author
OA Research at the Northwest Fisheries Science Center - McEhaney
OA Capabilities at the NMFS SWFSC - Phinney
Existing Technology and Challenges for Monitoring the CO2 System in Seawater - Sabine
Southeast Fisheries Science Center Potential Contributions - SEFSC
OA Research at the Alaska Fisheries Science Center - Short
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