Patents > Search Colections > MPEP > 711.03(b) Holding Based on Failure To Reply Within Period - 700 Examination of Applications

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711.03(b) Holding Based on Failure To Reply Within Period - 700 Examination of Applications

711.03(b) Holding Based on Failure To Reply Within Period

When an amendment reaches the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office after the expiration of the period for reply and there is no dispute as to the dates involved, no question of reconsideration of a holding of abandonment can be presented.

However, the examiner and the applicant may disagree as to the date on which the period for reply commenced to run or ends. In this situation, as in the situation involving sufficiency of reply, the applicant may take issue with the examiner and point out to him or her that his or her holding was erroneous.

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