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J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R-Rd | Re-Rz | S | T | U-Un | Uo-Uz | V | W | X | Y | Z

Abreviaturas de Revistas para Vols 1-49: "W"

W Today. World Today. Royal Institute of International Affairs. London, England.

W/PH. La Palabra y el Hombre. Revista de la Univ. Veracruzana. Xalapa, Mexico.

Waman puma. Revista Mensual de Cultura y Folklore. Cuzco, Peru.

Wampum/Leiden. Wampum. Archeologisch Centrum. Leiden, The Netherlands.

Wani/Managua. Wani: Una Revista sobre la Costa Atlántica. Centro Investigaciones y Documentación de la Costa Atlántica. Managua.

Wash Post Mag. The Washington Post Magazine. Washington.

Wash Q. The Washington Quarterly. Georgetown Univ., The Center for Strategic and International Studies. Washington.

Water Power. Water Power. London, England.

WD. World Development. Pergamon Press. Oxford, United Kingdom.

Webbia. Webbia. Firenze, Italy.

Weekly statis sugar trade jour. Weekly Statistical Sugar Trade Journal. New York, N.Y.

Welt als geschichte. Stuttgart.

Weltwirtsch Arch. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv. Zeitschrift des Institut für Weltwirtschaft an der Christians-Albrechts-Univ. Kiel. Kiel, Germany.

Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv. Jena, Germany.

Werk. Werk. Schweizer Monatsschrift für Architektur, Kunst und kunstlerisches Gewerbe. Bund Schweizer Architekten. Winterthur, Switzerland.

West Folk. Western Folklore. Univ. of California Press. Berkeley, Calif.

West Hist Q. The Western Historical Quarterly. Western History Assn.; Utah State Univ., Logan, Utah.

West In Med J. West Indian Medical Journal. University College of the West Indies. Mona, St. Andrew, Jamaica.

West India com circ. West India Committee Circular. London, England.

West Indian Law J. West Indian Law Journal. Council of Legal Education. Kingston.

West Indian Med J. West Indian Medical Journal. Univ. of the West Indies. Mona, Jamaica.

West Indische Gids. De West-Indische Gids. s'Gravenhage, Netherlands.

West Indische Gids. De West-Indische Gids. The Hague, Netherlands.

West J Agric Econ. Western Journal of Agricultural Economics. Dept. of Economics, Univ. of Nebraska. Lincoln.

West Pol Q. Western Political Quarterly. University of Utah. Western Political Association; Pacific Northwest Political Science Association. Salt Lake City, Utah.

West Polit Q. Western Political Quarterly. Western Political Science Assn.; Pacific Northwest Political Science Assn.; Southern California Political Science Assn.; Univ. of Utah, Institute of Government. Salt Lake City.

West Watch. West Watch. Council for Inter-American Security. Washington.

Westermann Mon heft. Westermann Monatshefte. Georg Westermann Verlag. Braunschweig, Germany.

Westermanns Monatshefte. Braunschweig, Germany.

Western city. Los Angeles, California.

Western folk. Western Folklore. California Folklore Society. University of California Press. Berkeley and Los Angeles, California.

WHO/B. Bulletin. World Health Organization. Geneva.

WHQ. The Western Historical Quarterly. Western History Association, Utah State University. Logan.

WIAB/J. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. The Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

WIG. De West-Indische Gids. Martinus Nijhoff. The Hague.

Wilson Libr Bull. Wilson Library Bulletin. H.W. Wilson Co. New York.

Wilson Q. The Wilson Quarterly. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Washington.

William Mary Q. The William and Mary Quarterly. College of William and Mary. Williamsburg, Va.

Wirtsch polit Chron. Wirtschaftspolitische Chronik. Institut für Wirtschaftspolitik. Köln, Germany.

Wiss Z Humboldt-Univ Berlin. Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Gesellschafts-und Sprachwissenschaftliche Reihe. Berlin.

Wiss Z Univ Rostock. Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Universität Rostock. Gesellschafts-und sprachwissenschaftliche Reihe. Rostock, Germany.

Wissen und fortschritte. Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

Wissen Zeit, Gesellschafts. Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift. Gesellschafts-und Sprachwissen-schaftliche Reihe. Universität Leipzig. Leipzig, Germany.

WJC/JJS. The Jewish Journal of Sociology. The World Jewish Community. London.

WLT. World Literature Today. Univ. of Oklahoma. Norman.

WM. Westermann's Monatshefte. Georg Westermann Verlag. Braunschweig, Germany.

Wm and Mary quart. William and Mary Quarterly. A Magazine of Early American History. Published by the Institute of Early American History and Culture. Williamsburg, Virginia.

Wm Mary Q. The William and Mary Quarterly. Institute of Early American History and Culture. Williamsburg, Va.

WMR. World Marxist Review. Problems of Peace and Socialism. Progress Books. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Woman Speak. Woman Speak!. Woman and Developing Unit (WAND), Univ. of the West Indies. Barbados.

Word. Word. Journal of the Linguistic Circle of New York. New York, N.Y.

World Aff. World Affairs. The American Peace Society. Washington, D.C.

World affairs. Washington, D.C.

World affairs interpreter. Los Angeles, California.

World affs. World Affairs. The American Peace Society. Washington, D.C.

World and I. The World and I. Washington.

World Archaeol. World Archaeology. Rautledge & Kegon Paul. London.

World Bank Econ Rev. The World Bank Economic Review. World Bank. Washington.

World Crops. World Crops. Leonard Hill Technical Group. London, England.

World Dev. World Development. Pergamon Press. Oxford, England.

World Econ. The World Economy. Basil Blackwell. London.

World econ. World Economics. Bulletin of the Institute of World Economics. Washington, D.C.

World Law Index I. World Law Index, Part I: Index to Hispanic Legislation. Hispanic Law Division, Library of Congress. Washington.

World Lit Today. World Literature Today. Univ. of Oklahoma. Norman.

World oil. Specialized for Exploration, Drilling, Producing, Pipe Line Operations and Management. The Gulf Publishing Co. Houston, Texas.

World Oil. World Oil. Houston, Tex.

World pol. World Politics. Yale University. Yale Institute of International Studies. New Haven, Conn.

World Policy J. World Policy Journal. World Policy Institute. New York.

World Polit. World Politics. Princeton Univ., Center of International Studies. Princeton, N.J.

World Today. The World Today. Royal Institute of International Affairs, Oxford Univ. Press. London.

World trade commod. World Trade in Commodities. United States Department of Commerce. Office of International Trade. Washington, D.C.

Worldview/New York. Worldview. Council on Religion and International Affairs. New York.

WP. World Petroleum. New York, N.Y.

WPF/IO. International Organization. World Peace Foundation [and] Univ. of Wisconsin Press. Madison.

WQ. The Wilson Quarterly. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Washington.

WRU/JMF. Journal of Marriage and the Family. Western Reserve University. Cleveland, Ohio.

WSU/HB. Human Biology. Official publication of the Human Biology Council. Wayne State Univ., School of Medicine. Detroit, Mich.

WU/SCID. Studies in Comparative International Development. Washington University, Social Science Institute. St. Louis, Mo.

WU/T. Trans-action. Washington University. St. Louis, Mo.

WU/TA. Trans-action. Washington University. St. Louis, Mo.

WUL. Wissen und Leben. Gesellschaft zur Verbreitung wissenschaftlicher Kenntnisse. Leipzig.

WV. Worldview. A monthly of ethics and international affairs. Council of Religion and International Affairs. New York. See CRIA/WW.

WV/U. Universitäs. Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft, Kunst und Literatur. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft M. B. H. Stuttgart, Germany.

WZHUB. Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Gesellschafts- und Sprachwissenchaftliche Reihe. Berlin.

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J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R-Rd | Re-Rz | S | T | U-Un | Uo-Uz | V | W | X | Y | Z

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