Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual




Effective Date:  9/22/06

Series:  Real Property

Part 425:  Space Management

Chapter 6:  Space Disposal/Lease Termination


Originating Office:  Office of Acquisition and Property Management


425 DM 6


6.1     Purpose.  This chapter describes bureau and office responsibilities relating to asset disposal, specifically space, and lease termination.


6.2     Space Disposal, Interior Owned Space.  When space no longer meets mission requirements, bureaus and offices shall:


          A.      Refer to the Office of Acquisition and Property Management’s real property disposal policy in 422 DM.


          B.      Incorporate changes into the multi-year plan.


          C.      Complete disposal requirements and revise real estate portfolio records in accordance with 422 DM.


6.3     Space Disposal, Leased Space (DOI or GSA).  When leased space no longer meets mission requirements, bureaus or offices shall:


          A.      Prepare a space proposal consistent with 425 DM 3.  The proposal will be the basis for a decision by the investment body and the bureau or office director to proceed with lease termination.  The proposal will evaluate the alternatives including returning the space under GSA’s 120 day policy, buy-outs, sub-leases, or minimizing the impact of lease costs by actions such as reduction of utilities for the remainder of the lease.


          B.      Notification will be given to the Department and other bureaus and offices.  The multi-year plan will consider lease terminations as a part of the plan, and/or incorporate the change if termination becomes necessary.


          C.      Complete lease close-out requirements and revise records relating to the real estate portfolio.


9/22/06 #3731
