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Meteorological Development Laboratory

Description of Marine MOS Guidance

GFS Marine MOS Guidance

The GFS Marine MOS Wind Guidance became operational on May 6, 2003. To view the approved AWIPS headers, see the AWIPS Change Notice. The original Technical Implementation Notice is also available, as well as a recent Technical Implementation Notice describing the temperature and dewpoint addition. This initial release of the marine MOS guidance contained only wind speed, wind direction, and height adjusted wind direction. On September 14, 2004 an update to this product will be made to include air temperature and dewpoint temperature guidance.

The Marine MOS product, based upon the GFS (AVN) model output, is being produced and is available on our web sites. It has been developed for 121 marine sites located in and around the continental United States, Alaska, and Hawaii. The guidance is produced for projections 6 through 84 hours in advance, from the initial model times of 0000, 0600, 1200, and 1800 UTC. The message format is similar to the current GFS MOS (MAV) message with the exception that the forecasts now extend to 84 hours. Forecast projections of 69 through 84 hours are continued in a separate block of text below the projections for 6 through 66 hours.

Forecasts are produced for wind direction (WD) and wind speed (WS) at the observing location, and for wind speed adjusted to be consistent with a measurement height of 10 m (WS10). Wind direction forecasts are rounded to the nearest degree and wind speed forecasts to the nearest knot. Forecasts are also produced for air temperature (TMP) and dewpoint temperature (DPT) rounded to the nearest degree Fahrenheit. An example of the alphanumeric message can be found in these samples.

A Technical Procedures Bulletin entitled "GFS-Based MOS Wind, Temperature and Dewpoint Temperature Guidance for Marine Locations in the United States" has been drafted. Information regarding stations can be found in this document or in this station list.

Eta Marine MOS Guidance

The Eta-based Marine wind, temperature and depwoint message became operational on February 8, 2005. To view the approved AWIPS headers, see the AWIPS Change Notice. NWS Technical Implementation Notice 04-51 provides the official notification for this product.

UPDATE THIS----- The Marine MOS product, based upon the Eta model output, is being produced and is available on our web sites. It has been developed for 121 marine sites located in and around the continental United States, Alaska, and Hawaii. The guidance is produced for projections 6 through 84 hours in advance, from the initial model times of 0000, and 1200 UTC. The message format is similar to the current Eta MOS(MET) message with the exception that the forecasts now extend to 84 hours. Forecast projections of 69 through 84 hours are continued in a separate block of text below the projections for 6 through 66 hours.

Forecasts are produced for wind direction (WD) and wind speed (WS) at the observing location, and for wind speed adjusted to be consistent with a measurement height of 10 m (WS10). Wind direction forecasts are rounded to the nearest degree and wind speed forecasts to the nearest knot. Forecasts are also produced for air temperature (TMP) and dewpoint temperature (DPT) rounded to the nearest degree Fahrenheit. An example of the alphanumeric message can be found in these samples.

A Technical Procedures Bulletin containing detailed information regarding the development, the stations and the message is currently being drafted and will be posted at a future time. Information regarding stations can be found in this station list.

National Weather Service
Office Of Science and Technology
Meteorological Development Laboratory
Statistical Modeling Branch
1325 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Page Author: MOS Web Team
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Page last Modified: Monday, 25 February 2008 17:33 UTC