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U.S. Office of Personnel Management - Ensuring the Federal Government has an effective civilian workforce

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Accountability System Results

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When the key elements of the Accountability system are effectively implemented, agencies will realize the following results:

Select this link to view the key elements and suggested performance indicators for this system.PDF File [178 KB]

Effectiveness Results

  • The agency has documented its human capital management processes, measures, and results; evaluated its accomplishments; and reported findings to agency decisionmakers and other stakeholders.

  • Agency leadership demonstrates commitment to the accountability system, based on OPM’s requirements, through its actions and allocation of appropriate resources.

  • The agency conducts a continuous assessment of its human capital practices to ensure they are sound, produce results, and adhere to merit systems principles, laws, and regulations. The agency provides an annual report, which identifies areas needing improvement. A process is in place that assigns responsibility for taking corrective action resulting in improved human capital strategies and program integrity.

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Compliance Results


  • In accordance with Civil Service Rule X, the agency has established and maintains a system of accountability that meets OPM's requirements for a sound human capital accountability system, measures effectiveness in meeting the requirements, and corrects deficiencies in meeting the requirements.

  • As provided in the Chief Human Capital Officers (CHCO) Act of 2002 (5 U.S.C. 1103(c)), the agency holds managers and human resources officers accountable for efficient and effective human resources management in support of the agency’s mission in accordance with merit system principles.
  • Human capital programs, activities, and practices are evaluated in accordance with law, regulation, and public policy within the Leadership and Knowledge Management, Results-Oriented Performance Culture, and Talent Management systems.

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