Independent Research & Development Program

The IAD's Independent Research and Development Program (IR&DP) has been established to benefit future research development and production efforts by assisting vendors in the exploration of new technologies. The IAD envisions the IR&DP as a means for decreasing the "learning curve" typically experienced by vendors as a result of their unfamiliarity with IA techniques and applications.

The goal of the IR&DP is to encourage independent research and development efforts in areas of mutual interest to both industry and the IAD. A major element of an IR&DP is the Technical Addendum, the document that defines the scope of the work performed under the IR&DP project.

Eligibility Requirements

Vendors engaged in research and development activities intended to accomplish any of the following areas of potential interest to the IAD may be considered for IR&DP participation:


  1. Company approaches IAD with proposed research activity by submitting a letter of request and project description (IR&DP proposal).
  2. IAD technology cells and other organizations working the technology area review the proposal and decide if there is interest.
  3. If company's proposal is accepted, IAD and company enter into a legal agreement.
  4. Company submits white paper to IAD at the conclusion of the research.