Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 6/9/99

Series: Information

Part 470: Public Expression

Chapter 2: Role of Bureaus and Offices and Field Information Activities

Originating Office: Office of Communications

470 DM 2

2.l Role of Bureaus and Offices. Effective conduct of the Department's information program requires full cooperation between the Office of Communications (OCO) and bureau and office officials including information personnel and field personnel. Bureaus and offices will carry on adequate information programs consisting of factual information about activities and accomplishments within their respective spheres of competence, and announcements and explanations of final actions or newly adopted policies. Bureau and office officials should avoid speculation on unsettled questions or future policy and, when in doubt, should refer questions by news agencies on controversial subjects--particularly those involving more than one bureau or office--to OCO.

A. As a part of its responsibility for determining the information policy and procedures of the Department, OCO will, when necessary, direct bureau information officers and staff personnel as to the need for developing news, feature stories, briefing material, or articles and make final determinations as to the manner in which information problems are to be handled.

B. Bureau information personnel must be kept constantly informed by staff and operating officials on all significant actions by their bureaus, and, in turn, the bureau information personnel are responsible for keeping OCO currently informed on these actions.

C. Determination of newsworthiness of policy actions, and the manner in which the news is to be disseminated, will be made by the bureau information offices with the concurrence of OCO and when necessary with the concurrence of the Office of Congressional and Legislative Affairs.

2.2 Field Information. Field officials are responsible for disseminating accurate and adequate information about their work. However, they should confine statements made in their official capacity to factual material related to their area of responsibility. Field-written releases that deal in any degree with policy matters, or which cut across Department or bureau lines and thus may result in Washington involvement, will require prior review and approval by OCO.

2.3 Office of Inspector General. This chapter does not apply to the Office of Inspector General.

6/9/99 #3261

Replaces 9/30/85 #2651

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