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ACRF Science Board

The objective of the ACRF Science Board is to promote the Nation's scientific enterprise by ensuring that the best quality science is conducted at the Department of Energy User Facility known as the ARM Climate Research Facility (ACRF).

Comprised of highly respected ARM-supported scientists and the external climate research community, the function of the ACRF Science Board is to review proposals for use of the ACRF. These proposals may be submitted by the ARM Science Team or by any other interested users of the Facility, including U.S. government agencies engaged in scientific research, colleges and universities, and other interested international scientific and educational bodies. The Board will coordinate with the ACRF Infrastructure Management Board to assess the availability and resource requirements of the proposed facility usage.

To assist the scientific investigators with their proposals for funding from their prospective funding agencies, the ACRF Science Board will consider facility usage proposals in a timely manner. The Board may set up specialty teams to address particular issues under its mandate, e.g., logistics associated with use of the ARM Mobile Facility.