Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 8/13/81

Series: Delegation

Part 245: National Park Service

Chapter 3: Pinelands National Reserve

Originating Office: National Park Service


This chapter has been given a new release number.* No text changes were made.

245 DM 3

3.1 Delegation. Subject to the limitations in 3.2 below, the Director, National Park Service is authorized to exercise the program authority of the Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks to carry out the provisions of the National Parks and Recreation Act of 1978 (P.L. 95-625 dated November 10, 1978) which fall within the scope of the National Park Service with respect to assisting and coordinating with the State of New Jersey and the Pinelands National Reserve Planning Entity in the Pinelands National Reserve Program. This shall include the authority to:

A. Issue criteria for the acquisition of land (Sections 502(h)(1)(A) and (h)(2) of the Act).

B. Negotiate a grant administration agreement with the State of New Jersey and the Pinelands Commission.

C. Administer planning and acquisition grants.

D. Coordinate the provision of, and making recommendations for, technical assistance to the State=s Pineland Commission (Sections 502(d) and (g)(6) of the Act).

E. Provide and coordinate Department of the Interior staff support for the Secretary of the Interior=s representative on the Pinelands Commission.

F. Coordinate the monitoring and review responsibilities relating to the comprehensive management plan (Section 502(g) of the Act).

G. Coordinate the evaluation of, and make recommendations relating to, applications for Federal assistance (Section 502(i) of the Act).

H. Make periodic progress reports on the Program to the Secretary of the Interior.

I. Monitor the implementation of the approved comprehensive management plan and report annually the results of such monitoring activity to the Secretary of the Interior.

The exercise of these authorities will be coordinated with the Fish and Wildlife Service.

3.2 Limitations. The following authority is specifically not delegated in the authority listed in 245 DM 3.1

A. The approval of the comprehensive plan or amendments to the plan as contained in Section 502(g) of the Act;

B. The authority to sign the grant administration agreement with the State of New Jersey and the Pinelands Commission;

C. The authority to approve planning and acquisition grants;

D. The authority to acquire such lands, waters or interests therein by donation or purchase with donated or appropriated funds as contained in Section 502(h)(2) of the Act; and

E. The authority to appoint the Secretary=s representative to the Pinelands National Reserve Planning Entity as contained in Section 502(d) of the Act.


8/13/81 #3545

Replaces 8/13/81 #2345


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