Appendix Figure 1. Primary Care Screening for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms (AAAs): Analytic Framework

This flow chart depicts the analytic framework. Go to Text Description [D] for details.

[D] Select for Text Description.

KQ= key question. KQ 1a= Does AAA screening, in an asymptomatic average-risk or high-risk population, reduce AAA-related adverse health outcomes? KQ 1b= For individuals who do not have AAAs on initial screening, does periodic repeated screening reduce AAA-related adverse health outcomes? KQ 2= What are the harms associated with AAA screening? KQ 3= For AAAs 3.0 to 5.4 cm detected through screening, does immediate repair or surveillance reduce AAA-related adverse health outcomes? KQ 4= What are the harms associated with repair of AAAs 5.5 cm or greater? KQ 5= What are the harms associated with immediate repair or surveillance of AAAs 3.0 to 5.4 cm?

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