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Earth: Facts & Figures
Discovered By
Known by the Ancients
Date of Discovery
Average Distance from the Sun
Metric: 149,597,890 km
English: 92,955,820 miles
Scientific Notation: 1.4959789 x 108 km (1.000 A.U.)
Perihelion (closest)
Metric: 147,100,000 km
English: 91,400,000 miles
Scientific Notation: 1.471 x 108 km (0.983 A.U.)
Aphelion (farthest)
Metric: 152,100,000 km
English: 94,500,000 miles
Scientific Notation: 1.521 x 108 km (1.017 A.U.)
Equatorial Radius
Metric: 6,378.14 km
English: 3,963.19 miles
Scientific Notation: 6.37814 x 103 km
By Comparison: 1 x Earth's
Equatorial Circumference
Metric: 40,075 km
English: 24,901 miles
Scientific Notation: 4.0075 x 104 km
Metric: 1,083,200,000,000 km3
English: 259,900,000,000 mi3
Scientific Notation: 1.0832 x 1012 km3
By Comparison: 1 x Earth's
Metric: 5,973,700,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg
Scientific Notation: 5.9737 x 1024 kg
Metric: 5.515 g/cm3
Surface Area
Metric: 510,065,700 km2
English: 196,937,500 square miles
Scientific Notation: 5.100657 x 108 km2
Equatorial Surface Gravity
Metric: 9.766 m/s2
English: 32.041 ft/s2
Escape Velocity
Metric: 40,248 km/h
English: 25,009 mph
Scientific Notation: 11,180 m/s
Sidereal Rotation Period (Length of Day)
0.99726968 Earth days
23.934 hours
Sidereal Orbit Period (Length of Year)
1.0000174 Earth years
365.24 Earth days
Mean Orbit Velocity
Metric: 107,229 km/h
English: 66,629 mph
Scientific Notation: 29,785.9 m/s
Orbital Eccentricity
Orbital Inclination to Ecliptic
0.00005 degrees
Equatorial Inclination to Orbit
23.45 degrees
Orbital Circumference
Metric: 924,375,700 km
English: 574,380,400 miles
Scientific Notation: 9.243757 x 108 km
Minimum/Maximum Surface Temperature
Metric: -88/58 (min/max) °C
English: -126/136 (min/max) °F
Scientific Notation: 185/331 (min/max) K
Atmospheric Constituents
Nitrogen, Oxygen
Scientific Notation: N2, O2
By Comparison: N2 is 80% of Earth's air and is a crucial element in DNA.
Earth's Moons
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