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GAMS Module SERV_CC in C++


C++ procedures for task environment handling and extended file naming. The task
environment provides an area for procedures to deposit and retrieve
information, reducing the number of arguments necessary in function calls. The
extended file naming allows file names to include pipe symbols. (Developed by
Oleg Kiselyov.).
Classes  :  N1 . Input, output of data
            N4 . Storage management (e.g., stacks, heaps, trees)
            Z .  Other
Type     : C++ software in C++ collection.
Access   : Public domain. Portable.
Precision: Single.
Note     : Fullsource is a Unix shell archive. Also see 
Details  : Fullsource
Sites    : (1) NETLIB

Implementation of SERV_CC from C++ on NETLIB

NETLIB:    Public access repository, The University of Tennessee at
           Knoxville and Bell Laboratories
Precision: Single.
Note     : Fullsource is a Unix shell archive. Also see 
You may access components from NETLIB outside GAMS as follows.
   Fullsource   : Anonymous FTP from ftp.netlib.org in serv_cc.shar

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GAMS is a service of the Mathematical and Computational Sciences Division of the Information Technology Laboratory of the National Institute of Standards and Technology

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